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About Vae

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    Canada, Saskatchewan
  1. Sent you a request on Steam jibbsy95
  2. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If your in or close to the South Eastern area, broken legs, brains falling out, flashing on some food/drink stuff, hit me up. msg via the forums or Steam via first page of this thread, stay alive out there.
  3. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    TMW Medic South East Division operating in that portion of the map, please message me for medical assistance. Add me as a Steam friend or simply send me a message via the forums. Whoops twice the medic maybe?
  4. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    TMW Medic South East Division operating in that portion of the map, please message me for medical assistance. Add me as a Steam friend or simply send me a message via the forums
  5. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey been waiting awhile, In the deer stand North of Msta, lost most of my stuff due to a hacker sending me out to the boonies on some island. All I need is food 2 is prime 1 is all that is needed. blinking red, would offer a trade but not alot I can actually offer atm. Let me know :D http://steamcommunit...561197972370654 or just PM on site. I can more than compensate for 1 can of food, would say now but it would be a lie so best I can do is say I can restock your medical, food, water, or even specfic kinds of ammo in the very neer future. Can ask Trooper or cereal killer of {TMW} of my legit status.
  6. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In the deer stand North of Msta, lost most of my stuff due to a hacker sending me out to the boonies on some island. All I need is food 2 is prime 1 is all that is needed. blinking red, would offer a trade but not alot I can actually offer atm. Let me know :D http://steamcommunit...561197972370654 or just PM on site.... the guy above me has a name that makes it not a great idea to help him I think :P not to mention the location
  7. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In the deer stand North west of Msta, lost most of my stuff including backpack due to a hacker sending me out to the boonies on some island. All I need is food 2 is prime 1 is all that is needed. blinking red, would offer a trade but not alot I can actually offer atm. Let me know :D http://steamcommunit...561197972370654 or just PM on site
  8. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In the deer stand west of Msta, lost most of my stuff including backpack due to a hacker sending me out to the boonies on some island. All I need is food 2 is prime 1 is all that is needed. blinking red, would offer a trade but not alot I can actually offer atm. Let me know :D http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197972370654 or just PM on site
  9. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    In the deer stand west of Msta, lost most of my stuff including backpack due to a hacker sending me out to the boonies on some island. All I need is food 2 is prime 1 is all that is needed. blinking red, would offer a trade but not alot I can actually offer atm. Let me know :D
  10. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Neer the NW airfield, dropped below 4k health due to a spurt that would just not stop, got back above 4k but still blurry, A transfusion would help a great deal, I do have a blood pack if that is a issue, just no friends online at the moment
  11. Vae

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    [TMW] Trooper, Thanks a million proved your group to me and saved me after I crawled for 5hours looking for morphine in every town possible.... which turns out is only like 3-4 at humping speed. :P I support this group fully even if the other medics are 10% as good as Trooper. I was even a pain in the ass due to being new to the game, he did not complain just fixed me as best he could and was off too his next adventure. THANK YOU!!! you are a credit to your clan. -Vae -Mant -Alazzer
  12. Q: Are you going to change it so you can fill your cantine when there is more water falling from the sky then in the lakes?
  13. Q: Is there a reason why this Great graphical error when looking at an area that contains the decent loot & dead soldiers is always the place you get shot in the head and is known and Exploited at it's finest or worst not sure which applies, hurting other people in a non conpedative way is pure waste of time, unless you play the game to crawl into exploitation. ;) Is it very complicated to remove dead soldier's bodies? (I honestly don't know) (If there is a better word let me know) Sorry if this is rehashed a new player here that has been getting annoyed at bad programming costing me hours(not a complaint it is a great game, just a simple fact) personally I could not see a bigger issue than cheating causing others icky feelings will always hurt the delveloper over me unless maybe they trick me out of 70buckaroo's