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Everything posted by hexum

  1. hexum

    Toon Wipes ....Urban Myth???

    I have had my char from day one, hasn't been wiped yet.
  2. hexum

    I haven't seen a single person for days..

    I haven't seen anyone since I spawned weeks ago near balota, and I play on mostly full servers. Spending most of my time trying to get my blood back up. :(
  3. I am on my second character since the game came out. I have been playing on night servers (all I could find), found a day server and realised I am almost dead (no color at all). Do I just need to get my food and water level to full before it starts to re-gen?
  4. I am on my second character since the game came out. I have been playing on night servers (all I could find), found a day server and realised I am almost dead (no color at all). Do I just need to get my food and water level to full before it starts to re-gen?
  5. hexum

    How do you get your health back up?

    Awesome, thanks guys! I have a lot of time on this character.
  6. I would like to start a new char there if possible.
  7. hexum

    First Player Kill

    I was in Cherno trying to get loot with friends. I ran into a building and someone came in right after me and started firing. I turned around and started firing an AKM full auto and went through a whole clip before he died. Mainly because he scared the crap out of me. I was in a room with only one exit and the zeds were coming. I hauled ass out of the building and the guys bud was there and killed me. Luckily my friends took him out and watched my body until I came back. First person I killed.
  8. hexum

    FR4 - Connection failed

    How do I update to the new version? I have the Arma free and the ex pack using six updater/launcher. I downloaded the new zip file but have no clue where to put it.