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Everything posted by GotOwned

  1. GotOwned

    Would like some friends.

    Talkinggoats are you taoggniklat? That's what I got when I searched your name
  2. GotOwned

    Would like some friends.

    Talkinggoats want to get a game in right now (gonna add you) and anyone else that's on? My steam is AimHereFool
  3. GotOwned

    Would like some friends.

    I'll add you on steam later when I get out of work
  4. GotOwned

    How much will stand alone cost?

    bottom line is, hackers will always be hacking... no matter how well coded the engine is and amazing job the devs done to everything to make it hack-proof. People who knows how to code (write scripts, etc etc..) will always find a way. Always. The only way to be "hacker free" in a sense, is to make the game single player; so it's only you. Otherwise if it's online... there always a chance.
  5. sounds like a good brospeh time with your broski. Hope it wasn't like broke back mountain.. or was it? what ever floats your boat kidding :D
  6. GotOwned

    Would like some friends.

    where are you from? I play really fast, so I'm just running around everywhere looting everything. What's your game play style? do you like the skulk around and be sly or just fast bum rush everything? :D
  7. GotOwned

    any other beginners want to team up?

    are any of you guys US players?
  8. Got the game a week ago but I got majority of everything down. Just never realized this until yesterday.. using just a normal backpack that you spawn with, not an alice or something else. Can you not put a gun in the normal backpack? I found a sniper that I wanted to keep so I put it in the backpack since I had an mp5. But it wasn't in there, so I was like what the hell..? Then found a lee enfield and tried with that to see if maybe it I did something wrong. Then realized oh crap, maybe it's just a glitch or something. It wasn't in the backpack or on the ground. It's like the backpack just ate it. I usually carry two rifles since I stuff one in a alice pack. I was just playing around to see if that would work or not. Would be nice if it did for the early point of time during gearing up when you haven't found a larger backpack.
  9. GotOwned

    backpack glitch/problem

    oh, damn. Yeah I should have paid attention to that lol. I always find a czech or a alice relatively fast so I never paid attention to how many slots a rifle takes. All I knew it had enough. Aghh.. noob mistake :blush: thanks!
  10. GotOwned

    Your first murder?

    I just camp out at the main firehouse in elektro on the top. Was looking at the grocery across the court yard getting ready to do a food run. Saw a guy rummaging through there and I said hell no! My food.. Looked through my binoculars to make sure that I wasn't mistaking a person for a walker. So I took my "awesome" lee enfield and shot him. Ended up being a headshot, a name popped up as dead; then saw him drop to the ground immediately. Didn't think I would be able to land a hs from that far. Right after that, I heard pistol shots right below me in the firehouse so I just sat tight looking around. Saw a whole bunch of zombies running towards the entrance so I figured this guy just ran in. Waited a few minutes as I heard him/watching the zombies getting picked off. I put my lee enfield back into my bag and switched to an aks74 kobra. Next minute he made a run for it and was headed down the street. Started shooting at him, I think it startled him because he stopped then started looking all over to see where he was getting shot from while zoms were running towards him. He saw me at the top of the tower at the firehouse and started shooting at me with his pistol. So I just unloaded at him. Looked through my binoculars to see what he had... just a pistol and an xbow. So I was just sitting around after that to see if any more guys were running towards elektro... couple minutes later.. I get headshotted and picked off by a sniper... so this dude must have been watching the whole time what was going on.. lol =\
  11. OP - that sucks, lol. We've all been in that situation. But nothing sucks more than getting fully geared up (my typical setup), 3 guns, makarov, lee enfield and a aks74 kobra in a alice pack packed with ammo, morphine injectors, food, etc. Then suddenly get headshotted by a sniper... I started killing people yesterday (just bought the game a week ago). I used to just avoid the gunfire..typical new player, being friendly try to join up with someone if I see them; but I just pick people off now. When I was in "your shoes" I guess you can say, I always got killed too. I just see everyone as a threat now, unless they pop a flare or something to try and communicate if I want to pair up... although I did kill someone that I do feel a little guilty about... Picked him off then looked through my binoculars to see the backpack... just had a pistol and a xbow.. fealt some pitty.. thought to myself "that used to be me"... lol What others said, join low pop servers. I always play on servers with less than 10 people. I can gear up pretty fast within an hour now. Got my route down.
  12. GotOwned

    Buy the game just because of the mod

    Yeah I bought the package deal of both on steam just for the mod.
  13. To the op... 1) stop joining heavily populated severs where everything will be stripped clean - even if you do I find it hard to believe that you can't at least get a shotgun and a axe, which are easy to find 2) stay along the shoreline and loot cherno and elektro 3) it's a game.. Don't nerd rage about it
  14. GotOwned

    stuck in room (pic)

    hi :D new to the game last night I spawned into this room and ever since I keep on spawning in here. I can't get out of it. none of the doors open. There are no weapons or anything that I could potentially use to break the windows (if that's possible). Got zombies to come to the windows to see if they could break the window.... there's just boxes full of blood bags, iv's, painkillers and bandages.. nothing else anyone else in or was in this situation/same room?
  15. GotOwned

    Killed by a hacker?

    Got in another game (third time so far the past 2 days) where these hackers pulls everyone to them. I guess they were a clan/team.. They were all dressed the same in black. Huge explosions. Looked like they were blowing up a heli since I saw parts of it flying everywhere. I ran away in time before one of them killed me. So I was just watching from a distance. Figured they would get me either way somehow. So decided to just walk up to them and started looking through the dead players backpacks. Then I got shot lol...
  16. GotOwned

    stuck in room (pic)

    joined a full 40 server and got lucky. all the windows were broken finally! :D sorry no blood bag art lol. Wish there was a way to carry all those medical supplies though =\
  17. GotOwned

    stuck in room (pic)

    sometimes tin cans and a empty bottle of jack spawned with me. Didn't know you can throw them though :blush: still figuring out and getting used to all the controls. I'll have to try that
  18. GotOwned

    stuck in room (pic)

    crap.. so I'm stuck.. right? =\