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Everything posted by Matthias1987

  1. We could use more admins for morning and afternoon. There has been a lot of side channel spam in these hours and the occasional hacker.
  2. Wow, seriously, cry more. I think combat loggers are more of a pussy. And without bandits, this game would utterly suck. Oh great, lets go scavenge and then walk around for eternity with the same gear singing songs. Quit being such a whiny bitch, and if you really hate it so much, go play something else.
  3. It seems the daily 12:00 restart does not occur. At least not yesterday and today.
  4. Np, i get them mailed too :) When are the server restarts? I heard something about every 4 hours now instead of 6?
  5. 3.8.2 Looks good :) New Fixes Fixed Vehicle Spawning Issue on all maps! Fixed Vehicle Saving Issue on all maps! Fixed Humanity Saving Issue Fixed Kill Messages ( Improved announcment to include what weapon player was killed with ) ( Thanks Ayan4m1! ) Fixed mpeventhandler kick message when player dies ( When player gets killed by a zombie or by another player it kicked for script restriction #36 and all other script restrictions ) ( Thanks VR-Shiva! ) Improved in game performance Improved data transaction to the master hive Improved login times on all maps Improved Battleye scripts ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- New In Game Items</p> New Care Packages ( Thanks to Bliss for this ) ( This functions like crashed helicopter spawns ) New Kill Messages ( Player has Killed Player With )
  6. Everytime i login it says: Jailbait|Thijs was killed and then i get kicked after 3 seconds.. Just 15 minutes ago everything was fine, and i just logged out to get some food. Edit: I cannot even chat, because i get kicked so fast.. Edit: Died 8 times now.. Can't do shit.
  7. Great timing, on a sunday.. Hope they learn from this!
  8. They should really test it themselves instead of appending something and just assume it works.. It probably stopped working after the cap change.
  9. Maybe it got something to do with changing the cap to 60? Did you do that this morning or last night? Sometimes a little piece of code can really mess up a server..
  10. Stuck on loading, as is my team. There are only 5 people on the server and it's sunday, something isn't right.
  11. Cheers Panda! Hope it fixes the issues with the huey :) // Wait for host when connecting.
  12. I see Vilayer has just finished another patch (3.7.8). Great to see they are working hard on fixing a lot of issues.
  13. Panda, there seems to be a huge lag issue at the moment. Unable to bandage, give blood bags, get in cars etc.. Possibly issues because of all the vehicles on the server? I'm not sure what else it could be.
  14. Sounds good, start programming! Let us know when you finished it :)
  15. Still no fix for the vehicles eh, that really sucks..
  16. I guess it is offline again? Ah well, got to go to Uni anyway, might be on later today if its on!
  17. Does this mean the vehicles have reset as well? /edit: Jailbait|Thijs btw
  18. http://dayzmod.com/f...y-still-banned/ I couldn't post it, because the topic got closed. And since you get this shit on a daily base, i thought you deserved a topic. Beans!
  19. Matthias1987

    Props for the moderators

    Topic of win should be pinned
  20. Matthias1987

    How to enable deathmessages and global chat?

    I have the same provider, share some of the same issues, but that aside you are looking at the wrong file. Go to cfgdayz/users/cfgdayz/ArmA2OAProfile Edit this file and then look under your difficulty for the following line; Set DeathMessages=1; class Veteran { class Flags { Armor=1; FriendlyTag=0; EnemyTag=0; HUD=1; HUDPerm=0; HUDWp=1; HUDWpPerm=0; WeaponCursor=1; AutoAim=0; AutoGuideAT=0; 3rdPersonView=1; ClockIndicator=0; Map=0; Tracers=0; AutoSpot=0; UltraAI=0; DeathMessages=1; NetStats=1; VonID=1; }; skillFriendly=0.75; skillEnemy=0.75; precisionFriendly=0.75; precisionEnemy=0.75; Edit// Oh, i didn't add the global chat one, because from my understanding it is not allowed and i really don't know,
  21. Matthias1987

    Rape Dungeon - DayZ Namalsk

    Looks solid, but i'd really recommend a name change.
  22. This question has been asked a million times. Use the search button. And seriously, you just know it's wrong, even though 100 people will say it's wrong, you are looking for that one person to say it's alright.