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About Duasov

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    Woodland Warrior

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  1. Duasov

    Are snipers the most harmless thing in DayZ?

    I'm assuming this is in question because there is doubt about whether or not this is true. If a sniper isn't dangerous in DayZ, the player doesn't know how to perform as a proper and skilled sniper. If a sniper is dangerous, the player is smart and skilled at playing as a sniper. The harmlessness of the role depends purely on the player. This isn't Call of Duty; real physics and what not applies and takes more than a few days of gameplay to learn how to play a sniper role in DayZ.
  2. Duasov

    Able to run DayZ smoothly?

    Sigh, I guess I'll reformat. I mean, I'm not sure what the problem is if my specs are fine...
  3. Duasov

    Able to run DayZ smoothly?

    How would I do this? lmao. Make sure their updated? Yeah, their updated, reinstalled them a few times... if that's what you mean. If I'm even thinking of the same things. Yeah I'm thinking of reformatting period, something has to be wrong and the parts to the PC are pretty good I'd think.
  4. I haven't palyed DayZ in about two years and a lot has changed with my computer since then. I used to have issues playing but after an upgrade, it all got better. For some reason though, the game became suddenly unplayable as well as games like Left4Dead2 and League of Legends on high settings becoming difficult to play (game felt... dense to play, low fps). Anyways, these are the stats. I'm not tech savvy by any means so bare with me. Processor: AMD Athlon II X4 640 Processor (4 CPUs), ~3.0GHz Memory: 9192MB RAM DirectX Version: DirectX 11 AMD Radeon HD 7700 Series AMD Radeon Graphics Processor Approx Total Memory: 4095 MB I just grabbed this off DxDiag, not sure if I'm missing anything you'd need to know. Thanks.
  5. Duasov


    LOL, thank you ^.^
  6. Duasov


    Vivus Vivus is looking for some new players to group up with us on our home server. We're nothing but a group of guys who knew each other for a while and decided to play DayZ. We have gotten pretty far, ran into hackers, got screwed over, got pretty far again, screwed over again, and repeated. Anyways, we're still on the go. Anyways, the Raidcall information will be pm'd to those we want to be apart of the group. Just fill out a brief application or at least write a paragraph stating that you meet our requirements and if you want, a little bit about why you want to join - this'll just give us a bit more trust. Requirements Maturity - this isn't a "look good" requirement, if you're deemed an annoyance by several of our members we'll give you the boot Raidcall/Microphone - We are always on raidcall and we all have microphones, this is a must have Experience - We don't mean to be "anti-new guy friendly", but we want people who have game sense Application IGN: Age? Microphone?: Raidcall?:
  7. Duasov

    Tents should despawn on death.

    This is nuts, what's the point of placing a tent if they can't venture off and come back over a period of time? If it gets looted then that's their problem. The purpose of a tent is to either increase storage and set up a permanent camp, or to store items, leave, and come back - regardless if they die.
  8. Duasov

    Tents should despawn on death.

    Okay, I'm going to ask God to make my home and all my belongings disappear when I die.
  9. Duasov

    Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

    Yeah, over sensitive infected is over sensitive.
  10. None of you intelligent incredibly helpful people have a clue of what the fuck is going on?
  11. Whelp, I'm not waiting half a month to get my thread approved in the bug section so here it goes. DayZ Commander is updated, Arma2 is updated, DayZ is updated, SixLauncher is updated, and the servers I play on are updated. However, when I play on the server, I get kicked off; "You have been kicked from the game". The guys I play with (my clan; [V]) say the message on the server says I was kicked because of either a wrong signature of changed files. I can't modify files because I'm a complete and utter retard when it comes to editing files and I have no idea what a wrong signature is. Solution? I'd like to be able to play more than 2 out of the 10 times I try to get on for more than 2 minutes - literally. PS: For the forum whores who wish to fling their dicks out and go all "Z0MG WRONGG SECTIONZ NOOB!", I posted two bug threads and neither was approved, but the problems were legitimate. So, I'm not going to wait for a mod to approve this.
  12. Duasov

    Things that SHOULD be in Dayz by tomorrow...

    Yeah.. but those guns in the files are for a full out war game lol, there might as well be lasers and heat-seeking missiles and nuclear bombs if they were in the files :3
  13. Duasov


    Well, I was thinking of keeping this a more subtle addition, something to fear but nothing to hide in the bushes 24x7 about. 100 infected? Lol, they don't die as easy as they do in L4D!
  14. Duasov


    n0, day be seciss.
  15. Duasov


    @Captain: Left 4 Dead lol @Kryvian: Well I suppose they could spawn commonly, it's a matter of making the game challenging, not impossible. Maintaining a realistic environment without becoming a Left 4 Dead kind of game.