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Everything posted by Deadmanuk

  1. Then the LU245 server should be banned and the owner taken to the furthest reaches of the map, given nothing but a torch, have his beans taken away, knee capped and forced to crawl home
  2. Looking at a couple of the forums the PTG guys frequent its looks like one member has brought a different server and has decided to be a plonker with it. The issue has now been flagged with the clan leaders and it looks like someone may be in for a 'bollocking'. Its shame because 116 is a great server but last night they got hit hard by hackers which destroyed most of the citys and set large fires in the forrests due to helis being spawned.. this event led to a hand full of members (its a massive clan) joining the LU245 server to escape the deluge. The person incharge of LU245 has been banning lots of people...which means it wont last long. Im guessing the majority of those PTG members didnt know that the owner has been abusing his power and were just looking for somewere to play for a bit while the 116 servers request to be wiped and restarted went through.