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gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

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Everything posted by gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

  1. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Scrum / AGILE

    How about you just sit back and don't comment if you have no clue what OP is talking about? @OP I'm sure they got enough experience in PM to make sure they have a buffer. Then again, scrum imo is about really getting better at estimating how much you can deliver in what timeframe over time. So it's a process ;) Don't worry, don't think anyone on the forums needs to give them a lesson on best practices.
  2. Should be mostly bragging rights stuff like beard styles and hairstyles. i do like the idea of gaining some little perks after some hours of being alive. nothing game changing though.
  3. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    By far, the most heart-pounding moment I've had in DayZ

    sounded like fun up to the logging :/
  4. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Tactical Vest VS UK vest

    could you point out that post with the item listing please?
  5. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Ruined items after PvP

    Great system but how does it work exactly? I don't think its modeled exactly per item location on the body is it? Frankly if I kill someone with 1-3 bullets then 90% of their gear should probably be untouched.. If that's not the case, it should be balanced somewhat. I agree if somebody ate a full auto mag, there will probably not be many intact beans on that guy left.
  6. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    So I have the money..

    Decisions, decisions B)
  7. As the title says. would be great to be able to get creative with booby traps placeable on objects/corpses/doors etc. ranging from good old grenade in a can to sharpnsticks with zombie goo hitting you in the kisser. also improvised suppressors good for a couple shots like for example water bottle, duct tape, bandage= suppressor good for 1-3 shots or what have you. or an oil filter works too irl for example.. what you guys think? *edit adding videos to 1st post: Oil filter suppressor: Plastic bottle suppressor:
  8. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Craftable booby traps and impovised suppressors

    *added videos to 1st post
  9. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    So I have the money..

    I don't see why you wouldn't be able to play it right now and also when new features have been added? Its not like its deleted upon release. Also new features should help keep the gameplay fresh. The good thing here is that it is a sandbox game, thriving on player interaction/emergent gameplay which doesn't get boring like a single player game or even a themepark mmo.
  10. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    What's some famous last words in Dayz?

    You have 5 sevonds to surrender... 5..4..3...
  11. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Craftable booby traps and impovised suppressors

    oil filter http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7t_pcWPdSDs also pop/plastic bottles work you can google around
  12. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Suggestion: Craftable booby traps and impovised suppressors

    it does work irl
  13. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Dat fists

  14. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Dat fists

    payback is a bitch aint it hvizeu
  15. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)


    Nice, would make the kitchen knife even more useful!
  16. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Blurry, where to get blood?

    eat&drink till full and you will heal or get a blood transfusion from another player with your own bloodtype
  17. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Never go to green mountain.

    I see youuu under the sycamore treees!
  18. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Ability to Suicide. (Variation is the key)

    I think you should go take a nice walk and get some air... ..but yeah there should be an option to "call it a day"
  19. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Gun "nerf" clarification

    Hey, so ive not been able to find an official statement on wether the damage changes since that arma patch were intended for day z / if it will be changed back. can anyone enlighten me? thanks a lot! :)
  20. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Gun "nerf" clarification

    hum, guess that means there really is nothing official out on this yet.. kinda worrying that a gamechanger like hat goes uncommented.
  21. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Gun "nerf" clarification

    not to come across blunt here but im really only interested in official statements, no prolly, maybe, game is intended to..please :) (apart from the fact that i think its more challenging if another player can kill you with two shots instead of mags to the chest) lets not derail the threads purpose by posting random assumptions please. id like to try to get facts.
  22. gloriousgonzo (DayZ)

    Gun "nerf" clarification

    yeah, just really interested if this will be taken care of by rocket or if there is any statement from him or a mod team member on the issue