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Everything posted by Themovement112

  1. I dont know if it is allowed or not I would like confirmation if it is allowed.
  2. Themovement112

    How to use a radio?

    I found a radio and I have not heard any kind of transmission come from it. is there a certain location I should be or is it just random?
  3. Themovement112

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    CQF for life
  4. I do find the last bits of screen shots that guy put up just before that thread was closed a little concerning. {CQF} owns US 21,20 and EU24,25 and has had many people log in with there tags on who where not in the clan but they don't boot them. It really does not matter if some one is provoking them its still braking the rules.
  5. Themovement112

    wheres the food stuffs?

    I respawn on the cost after dieing to a ghoster, 1 big city and 2 small towns later I have an ALICE pack,AKM,map,compass,hatchet,hunting knife, and camo. after finding all this not one can of beans or pepsi has been found, I am now blinking food and water and 6k blood. any one else have this problem?
  6. Themovement112

    Chernarus Quarantine Force {CQF}

    OH CQF! the epic awesome
  7. Themovement112

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    this looks a bit short...amiright?
  8. Themovement112

    making different characters?

    I was wondering if any one knows if you can make a new character with out effecting another?
  9. Themovement112

    IF this was an actual game...

    F2P with a only vanity shop no weapons on it or any thing that could give you a advantage at all.
  10. for some reason after installing the game it never asked for CD key and now im getting the bad cd key error every time I try to jump in a server. is there any way I could just put in the key after installing?
  11. Themovement112

    Is there way to change my CDKEY?

    is it really that simple? ugg
  12. Themovement112

    Admitted Duping and Hacking 20+ LLKJ members

    start banning IPs
  13. Themovement112

    MERGED: Night time, darkness, gamma

    I used to live in Puerto Rico, In the dense jungle under a heavy canopy its not as dark as I have seen in game.in game forests and nothing compared to a night in a rain forest.
  14. Themovement112

    Can I just get arrow head?

    I was wondering if I could just buy arrow head or if I need to buy both arma2 and arrow head?