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About Tylaz123

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. How long have you played Dayz?: About 4 weeks. What is your time Area?: GMT+1 Will you provide as much support as we will support you?: Yes What is your primary weapon of choice?: AS50 (At Night DMR) Skype name: MrOliverLJ
  2. Tylaz123

    Chernarus Outlaws ~ Official Recruitment Thread

    Hello! Me and one of my friends would like to join your clan. We are both 17 years old, live in Denmark and have decent mic's. We both have ghuille suits and i have a AS50 Sniper and he got m4 scoped and silenced. We used to be survivors, but in the long run, that became abit boring, so we decided to become bandits. Exp: Loads, though i have to admit we have been quite lucky with our heli crash sites. My role is Sniper and my friend is Assault silenced. Skype: MrOliverLJ Steam: Heydude1996 Timezone: GMT+1 We both started on the same day, so i'd say around 3-4 weeks None of us have ever been in a clan before since we've allways just played with eachother Contact me and i will redirect you to my friend aswell. -Oliver