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About samirocks321

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. , watch your mouth buddy, your a stereotypical easterner, thinking were all stupid and dont know shit, were just as smart as you. Your ethnicity isnt better then anyone elses.
  2. samirocks321

    Looking for a group

    I have 3 other people i play with, do you want to join us? Im trying to recruit so we should be in numbers soon! And sadly we just got killed by hackers so were freshly spawned sadly, so, are you in? If so, add me on skype, (we can go to teamspeak if required), = Seth Rydberg
  3. samirocks321

    Hitman Squad looking for kills

    Hah thats great! And sorry for not providing good enough info, that was my old clans camp and i havent been there for a few days. But thank you for your service!
  4. The box is hacked, most of it should be gone when server restarts, but dont quote me on that. Soldier clothing IS HACKED, so id advise not wearing it or you may be banned for being thought that you hacked it, when you did not.
  5. samirocks321

    Hitman Squad looking for kills

    "AMF" clan, US 911, northern edge of map straight above berezeno, they have 1 heli, 1 ural, 2 civilans, 2 bikes, and 4 atv's, and 2 offroad trucks, with 10+ tents full of good loot. Have fun! this is for anyone really
  6. samirocks321


    Hah thats awesome xD
  7. samirocks321

    Global Banned, but wasn't hacking.

    Same here, it sucks.
  8. samirocks321

    Best Patch EVER

    Someone seems a little mad? I would love to see you make a mod this great.
  9. samirocks321

    The DayZ Standalone Wishlist

    Agree 100%, not a single thing i hate! +1
  10. samirocks321

    What do i need to upgrade?

    A card with at LEAST 2 gigs of video memory may or may not help.
  11. samirocks321

    Dogs as Detectors of Humanity

    Sounds great! I would love to see this!
  12. samirocks321

    Flip ATV

    Well someones a little pissy today now arent they Slyguy65?
  13. samirocks321

    Introduce slumber...and many other ideas

    I really like the idea of sharing maps, clans/groups could plan attacks much more accordingly, and not get mixed up on the way there and compromise the whole mission.
  14. samirocks321

    stashing your gear....

    I agree, it would make your gear much safer!
  15. samirocks321

    Stand Alone Suggestions!

    I love all of these ideas! There great!