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Everything posted by karatepelle

  1. karatepelle

    HEAVY Duty

    In a hurry, but still has the time to make random spaces and colors. You made my day.
  2. karatepelle

    New Intro for my DayZ videos...

    Very good, but way too long!
  3. karatepelle

    DayZ without Zombies?

    No, the game would be pointless then.
  4. karatepelle

    Day Z Wallpapers

    http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/195/dayzrfmfinal.jpg/ My WIP. I'm quite new to photoshop so I was just messing around, what do you guys think? Ninjaed a screenshot here from the forums, so if you're seeing this, hope you like it!
  5. karatepelle


    Small planes would be cool! +1
  6. karatepelle

    Global banned

    Why would you even want to help this guy. HE HACKED!