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Everything posted by Nemmyz

  1. I don't get why do you send all entities of the game server to every player regardless of range. It's waste of bandwith. You should only send information from the region the player is at. There's an undetected hack out there that reads the information that server sends from memory and prints player locations, tents, vehicles, etc on a map. Please consider this changing this, as you will benefit performance wise and hackers benefit less from using the hack.
  2. Sorry to break it up to you, I do know what I'm talking about. I'm not talking shit, I'm talking about how it is. ARMA 2 Multiplayer design is shit and allows too much for client.
  3. The same shit happens on ARMA2 aswell which DayZ is based on. I didn't intend to say it to DayZ developers only. I'm saying it to whole Bohemia Interactive.
  4. Another thing which is the cause for all these 'hackers' is that the game design is just complete crap.. How often do you see a game which can be manipulated to do whatever you want? How often do you see a MMO like that? You don't. You're simply allowing too much clientside for a multiplayer game.
  5. It depends on how big the regions are really, it wouldn't require much resources of the server. But I think the clients performance is the top priority.
  6. It doesn't work like that. All the MMO's do this, because sending everything on the map regardless of the players range to the entity is just plain retarded. How often do you see invisible enemies on World of Warcraft for example(The loading process upon logging in doesn't count)?
  7. You clearly don't know what you're talking about. Only sending the information of entities that the player can actually see isn't going to cause any 'mess of desync'.
  8. Nemmyz

    MASSIVE Ping Spikes

    I have problems with my framerates on certain servers. It's weird how server latency can affect framerates :S
  9. No need to make the game too hard. There's some things that I agree with. But the real solution to this problem is to fix the damn zombies...they are way too glitchy. They should be able to hit you randomly when you're running away from them.
  10. Nemmyz

    Animal spawns

    I've been struggling to get my blood recovered, I've sneaked around tonight for hours and finally found a matchbox, and now I can't find any animals.. I'm at lumber mill atm, is there a 100% animal spawn close by?
  11. Seriously, I'm getting annoyed of the servers that aren't up to date.Over 80% of the servers I've joined give me 'Bad version - server rejected connection' message. And I have made sure it's not on my end. And I'm not only one with this problem. So please, update your servers...
  12. Nemmyz

    Inventory Not Saving on Logout

    Date/Time: 7/27/12 @ 9pm (US Central Time) What happened: Respawned after death and found a shotgun (Remington 870) then a few minutes later logged out to switch servers to play with my friends. When I spawned in the shotgun was gone. Found a couple of things, then logged out due to massive graphical issues. After logging back in, all the new items I found were gone. Both times I was neither in shock, bleeding or had any broken bones. Where you were: Next to Balota at the field What you were doing: I was looting my own dead corpse(And btw..I died to a bug...) and logged out to take a shit. I lost AK47 Kobra, G17 and bunch of other good stuff.. Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US 404
  13. I just died and respawned and I respawned inside a building. Now I can't play..Is there a way I can commit suicide via command or something?
  14. I were going towards the out door and rapidly pressing C so it tries to stand up, it's good that I died since I had nothing on me cause I respawned there, shit spawn anyway.
  15. YES! it worked! I died!!
  16. Yeah that's the place. I'm prone atm, not standing anymore, I hope that still works..
  17. Nemmyz

    Graphic Issue

    Hurry up fixing this ffs. I lost all my military gear because I couldn't see jackshit...I can't go to a military area without getting this..
  18. It's really simple how to fix this, just make a 30 second timer before logout. I dislike the community because of the fact that 99% are willing to kill any player even if they're harmless/friendly.
  19. Someone should give us some kind of explanation then...Because I can't connect to half of the server, same as my friends. We use SixLauncher to update the mod.
  20. Nemmyz

    Backpack eats primary weapons

    I've lost few primary weapons due to this bug. Please fix it.
  21. Nemmyz

    Graphic Issue

    Happens to me about ~5 to 8 times a day..Restarting game fixes it temporiraly.
  22. Hei, DayZSuomi etsii suomalaisia yli mielellään yli 15 vuotiaita pelaajia. Pelikokemusta ei tarvitse olla. Voit liittyä osoitteessa http://www.dayzsuomi.com
  23. I have broken bone and less than 1000 blood left, I'd appreciate if any of you came to help me. Add my steam please, 'Nemmyz'.
  24. Nemmyz

    Can someone help me please?

    Now I got shot by some douchebags while I was fighting against zombies. They were nice enough to only take my ALICE backpack and map, left everything else.
  25. Nemmyz

    Can someone help me please?

    I respawned next to a dirt bike.. :). I actually found two of them...Another one 1 mile away