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Everything posted by friendly_noob

  1. friendly_noob

    Incentivizing Behavior

    ^^ Okay, I pretty much agree with every word you said.
  2. friendly_noob


    I`m the genuinely friendly guy. I don`t care what gear I have whether it`s ak/cz/winchester I`ll say hi when I meet someone in the wilderness and let survivors get close and even point their weapons in my face. This is only when they realize I had the chance to shoot them but didn`t and this tells them I`m probably friendly. You will probably not believe this but not once was I shot. The only time survivors shot me was when the circumstances didn`t allow for communication. I`m sure the day comes when one of them goes `Hmm nice akm I`ll help myself to it` but this hasn`t come yet. As for bandits: most of them are usually pvp players camping cherno and elektro and the airfields with scoped weapons and nvgs. They are happy to shoot noobs with makarovs from miles away even though they have no gain from it. That said I have met a few friendly bandits but nowadays I just shoot them. That would be too much of a gamble to take. The only exceptions are bandits who could have shot me but didn`t, I`ll give them the benefit of doubt maybe they are genuine and want to raise their humanity back to where it was and for that they need to team up with others.
  3. friendly_noob

    Incentivizing Behavior

    Dude excellent post, couldn`t agree more. And, sadly, it feels more and more people have the kill everything that moves mindset - everything except zombies that is. What get me to try this mod was seeing a bunch of people on Youtube having fun chasing and being chased by zombies and having a great time. What I see in reality is COD game style and a `don`t trust anyone` and `shoot first, ask questions later` mentality. If we take away the social aspect of teaming up with other survivors we lose a HUGE chunk of what makes this game fun in the first place. We could just as well play Arma2 without the dayz mod.
  4. friendly_noob

    What was your dumbest death?

    The first time I found a shotgun in a barn I was very happy and to try it went outside and shot one in the distance, suddenly someone started shooting right next me, so ran back in the bar, went prone and started typing "Don`t sh.." but could never finish it
  5. friendly_noob

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    Game: Read the posts and guess who the bandits are in this thread :D Personally, I think DayZ could be renamed DayB as it is, it`s all about bandits now anyways. Zombies are kinda a joke you can run away they will never catch you. Bandits can instagib you from miles away camping in their familiar spot. Which one is more dangerous? The 50 zombies who you can run away from or the intelligent player sneaking up on survivors with a sniper rifle. I just tend to sprint trough villages now, it is easy to lose zombies. The moment I`m near a town it`s sneaky mode on as even one player can be much more dangerous than a dozen zombies ever will be. Finally, my favourite moments from the game are the ones I spent with other survivors. The only trade off of being a bandit is the skin, remove the skin and Dayz becomes Call of Duty where people don`t team up anymore and every man is for himself. This is how this `experiment` will end I`d bet money on it :P If I want heavy PvP action I`ll play Battlefield, please let Dayz be about zombies. Edit: as this is my 1st post here just wanna thank Rocket for his mod. I din`t buy Diablo3, didn`t buy Max Payne or any of the new AAA titles. I bought Arma2 for this mod and I`m glad I did regardless what the future holds gameplay wise :)