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Everything posted by siew

  1. the "RocketSuit" -immune to zombie attacks until it gets destroyed after X amount of hits -can be used to attract zombies with a roadflare and a signal horn while others can loot a specific area easy -cant run -cant use backpack while wearing -only your hands to carry objects -getting out of it safe you need your teammates to get rid of the zombies -cant use weapons because of limited movement -cant eat drink while wearing what do you think?
  2. euphoria animation engine with special zombie behavior
  3. some. not all of them.. i like the shorts and the tshirts ;) edit: Bambis first find
  4. while waiting for a new devblog watch this. there are some clothes and items which would fit well in dayz ;)
  5. rocket has a secret contract with F5 button manufacturers :D
  6. siew

    The Notorious Can Incident

    in my opinion the biggest problem is... humanity stopped evolving...
  7. siew

    Weapon Customisation

    lol imagine something like this in a critical situation, would scare the shit out of me^^
  8. it always depends on the other players. i was sneaking up behind another survivor several times aiming at his head and said "freeze! dont turn around or i need to kill you" and 90% of them immediately turned around... not my fault if they are stupid^^
  9. no alcohol, no smoking, vegetarian and having a lot of sex maybe keeps him so young ^_^
  10. i want to attach a huge knife, sword, machete or an axe to my rifle. i also want a dead man switch on my gun, connected to a satchel charge in my backpack. if i die i will leave a huuuge crater and the explosion would destroy all my gear and hopefully my murderer, too :D
  11. siew

    Weapon Customisation

    i want to attach a huge knife, sword, machete or an axe to my rifle. a flashlight would be nice, too. i also want a dead man switch on my gun, connected to a satchel charge in my backpack. if i die i will leave a huuuge crater and the explosion would destroy all my gear and hopefully my murderer, too :D
  12. could anybody please translate what Lukas is saying at 15:18? if its too dirty send me a pm^^
  13. exactly! the work that has been invested is quite sufficient. everything beyond is just a waste of time... edit: do you want the game asap or shiny ass videos?
  14. No he don't have to, its nice as it is!
  15. cant find the song that is playing at first, can someone please help me out with the name?
  16. rocket: "i started recording so this is all gonna be part of it" matt: "YAAAAYYY" :lol: edit: btw: matt i like your voice and accent ^^
  17. i feel like i have to watch 28 days later again^^ walking like a zombie to the next video shop :lol:
  18. like stepan kment said, rocket is an extraordinary guy so dayz developement is, too ;) hard to compare dayz developement with other games. except minecraft and other indie titles you can play before its final. ragdoll physics may come later, as said its a long term goal.
  19. what video/movie you are watching with Stepan?
  20. very interesting and i laughed a lot =D nice work, thanks for that :thumbsup:
  21. it is installing <_< edit: i can join servers but it always tells me "something went wrong! please disconnect and try again" edit-2: ok, is fixed to
  22. maybe the equilibrium organ in the ear is damaged, forcing it to crouch and balance out with its hands. "sorry needed google translation for this, strange grammar will occur" ;)
  23. imagine all zombies would stand upright. if you see a crawling or crouching person, you would instanly know its another player. but if the zombies crawl and crouch as well you have to look very closely. just a guess but i think it makes sense ;)
  24. fixed that for you ^^ sorry! :beans: