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About Andy31

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  1. Hello, Im an Australian living in Norway, be good to jump on Simon's teamspeak server and join up with you guys. Cheers, Andy
  2. It works as administrator. Thanks for your help guys. Now to just get overlay to work :) Thanks again, Andy
  3. Hello, I am having a problem talking on teamspeak while ingame. I have a hot key setup as tab but it is still not working. Works fine when I alt/tab out of the game. Does anyone know the solution to this? Thank you for your help, Andy
  4. Andy31


    lol, get off his back everyone. Check the survivor HQ topics, plenty of groups and clans recruiting
  5. Andy31

    Kind of a far out request...

    I would rescue if I had a chopper. I will ask around my friends to see if they can help but I think you maybe in a little trouble
  6. Actually what I think happened is that a hacker sniper took them all out as they were sharing items or something. Thjats why all together. And 2 seconds between each hack shot they all went down together.
  7. You can add me too if you like :) Im 31 from Australia living in Norway. Skype name andrew.reed6. Cheers, Andy
  8. Hi guys, I would be keen to join you. Send me a PM.
  9. Andy31

    anyone want to start a group

    I'd be keen to join. PM me and I can add you to steam
  10. Hi all, Looking for other players, im an Australian living in Norway :) Send me a PM. Ill be on tonight if anyone is keen to join. Andy
  11. Andy31

    Anyone near stary? Need morphine

    How can we find you? im new to this. I guess you need to give me server name your on or something for me to find you?
  12. You can add me on steam name andy24110. I'm an Australian living in Norway. Playing tonight if your keen? :)
  13. Hi, I'm an Australian living in Norway :) You can add me on steam at andy24110. I can add you now, im playing tonight if your keen.