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Everything posted by Grunner

  1. Grunner

    AK74 Handguards

    Start with the AK on your back, then place it on the ground (vicinity), then drag & drop your desired handguard over the AK on the ground. The old handguard should be swapped out into an empty inventory slot. I accidentally did this ONE time, I could be completely wrong.. good luck mate
  2. Grunner

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    Stop the off-topic bullshit I'm fucking sick of hearing it. From both parties. Can't you think of anything constructive to add to the discussion? Piss off. It's times like these I'm ashamed to be a gamer at all, sounds to me like DayZ is heading in EXACTLY the right direction. Please graveyard this topic until there is actually something tangible on the PS4 front, as this "discussion" has degenerated into little girls slinging their nappies.
  3. Grunner

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    I can appreciate this statement. From a development perspective, indeed it is a blink of an eye. If ANY iteration of the game so far was even remotely close to playable, I could see myself investing more time/money/computer upgrades in order to continue playing & enjoying this unique concept. How many more years will it be before you can actually go into a games shop & buy a copy of DayZ for PS4? What about the full-version on steam? Two years? Four? At this rate, with all the grand, sweeping announcements I think that the 2020 prediction from earlier posts is probably bang on. By then PS4 will be old news, and PCs will probably be dying off as the market for tablet, smart & wireless platforms explodes. Better start working on a touch-screen port while you're at it devs.
  4. Grunner

    DayZ PS4 Discussion

    With the announcement of DayZ for PS4 I'm out. It's turned into this bloated, plodding, fetid beast with dollar-signs for eyes, and Dean is moving onto other pursuits in a few months when SA (apparently) is going beta. Game's in my steam library anyway so I might check back in after a few years have passed - however currently this is painful to watch unfold. Call me an old fart or whatever, but I loved the ARMA II mod when it was underground, buggy as hell, & cool. Now it's just ...well, buggy as hell. The community here and in-game WAS equally as cool too, I really miss those days. I guess I've been reflecting a lot lately, thinking back from- 2012 - present, and I don't like the direction this is going. Respect that my opinions are my own, so please don't ask why, or try to convince me otherwise, I'm just done. DayZ has become a filthy capitalist, cigar chomping, single-malt guzzling, pseudo high-roller. I think I'm going to be ill
  5. Grunner

    The "Bandit Skin" from the Mod is back!

    Lone wolf here & I wear the gas mask, as I've had it for ages now. I'd be mildly annoyed if someone accused me of server/airfield hopping. Thankfully all you scrubs are rubbish at this whole KoS thing.
  6. Grunner

    run with arrow keys

    What actions are your TAB and P keys assigned to? It sounds like these actions are locking out the arrow keys for movement. I can run around just fine with WASD and TAB as my push-to-talk, it sounds to me like a limitation on the arrow keys.
  7. Grunner

    Need to talk to a DEV. Or someone like that.

    I'd like a gold plated shitter but it's just not on the cards now is it?
  8. Grunner


    Your character is being reset because you are 'combat logging.' Look it up with the search function on the forums, you might learn something. This is working as intended & is NOT a bug.
  9. Grunner

    In-game name is real first name

    I've noticed a lot of "owner" characters in servers recently, so I'm guessing it's defaulted to the users/XXXX windows name. You can click on your name when the DayZ splash screen comes up & change it there. I couldn't get a cursor to pop up but just click & start hitting delete/backspace - you can change it.
  10. Grunner

    Random shots

    If I was feeling creative I'd make a haiku for each series. Instead I'll let you guys just think of your own :) EDIT: Epic style & imagery, it has to be said! But it just made me think of haiku's with the contrasting mood of the fourth strip...
  11. Grunner

    Non KoS Test server proposal?

    Personally I'm kinda fond of this idea for the selfish reason that I don't get to pour as many hours into DayZ as I would like & as others do. Thus my knowledge of the games workings is poor in comparison, but I receive a gratifying surge of euphoria upon discovering something new for myself, and it usually happens when one is thrust into the unexpected. Perhaps you could set aside a portion of the map for testers, like one/two small towns and immediate surrounds, (Gvozdno was a brilliant suggestion - trees, fields, rolling hills, decent sized town way up north) with stipulation there will be testing going on in this area & that it will be defended ferociously. Then you just get twenty guys in the trees around your testing area plugging anyone who's naughty. On second thought if you could get 20 guys together you'd pretty much have a 'mobile testing solution' once geared - no-one's gonna take on a squad of that size ambiguously making their way around the map.
  12. Grunner

    potential TPV/3RD-person-hate-fix by *cough, cough*

    Cleaned it up a bit Electi, hope you don't mind, but pretty much my thoughts. This was never even an issue when the game was a mod of ARMA II. Now that DayZ has become 'commercial' all the twitch FPS players bought into it & suddenly we have a 1PP vs. 3PP war. How the shit do you even know when someone has killed you "exploiting" third-person? What does it matter? If you die, you're dead. It's DayZ; respawn, cry, bitch on the forums, do what you have to do, etc, but get over it though. Pointless argument is pointless. You're never going please everyone because kids NEED to whine about something. Perfect example is BF4. You say "head-glitching," back in my day that was called "taking cover." Example two. I play solo 90% of the time. Surely this would entitle me to report clans who exploit teamspeak to call up mates & hunt me down across map then? Well they have the god-like ability to whisper sweet nothings mysteriously to friends 7km away, while I, unfortunately, cannot. Sounds like a pretty fucking epic cheat to me. Basically, you died in a game with guns that is competitive & you have to blame anything but yourself. While I agree it's good to discuss topics, this one has been beaten into a fine red mist. Leave me to my 3PP servers & go shoot each other in your "hardcore ultra-realistic 15 degree field of view 1PP servers." So immersive :facepalm:
  13. Grunner


    I really wanna delete the internet right now.
  14. What? People have conversations in this game?
  15. Grunner

    3d person cheating with screenshots

    Get better at the game.
  16. Welcome aboard mate, it's awesome to see new players 'getting it' from stories like these. All the best in the aposchcalypsch!
  17. Grunner

    I've found the final cause of KoS

    I thought the point was to 'survive,' not 'collect/horde gear.' Do you have any idea how fucked this game would be if the devs suddenly started scripting missions & creating a linear progression for your survivor? Forget it. I suggest OP you look up the meaning of 'sandbox' in a gaming context, & if you want "SOMETHING" to do with all your stuff: play with a friend, use the handcuffs, create an ambush, help freshies, hunt vets, set up a medical station, create a supply dump, role-play, wait for beta, or you could use your own imagination. From my perspective if your killing blokes JUST for their gun, map, beans, whatever - you're missing the point of a vast and rich gaming environment. In saying that however, it is a game where your human emotions can easily get the better of you, & if in real life you're naturally a non-trusting, paranoid shut-in then you're probably a habitual KoS'er in game.
  18. Grunner

    Is the AS50 still in the game?

    It depends on the patch version really. From 1.7.7 even if you add it (and the M107) to the loot table it still deals 0 damage. Please, someone correct me if I'm wrong, too lazy to look up the facts right now.
  19. I'd love to be able to take the moon out of the sky, unfortunately that's impossible. As others have mentioned, gimme pitch black again. Nothing I've been able to do to my video settings have brought that back.
  20. Loved the night when it was actually dark. Forced full-moon blows. Might as well be daytime in greyscale with vision impared zombies. EDIT: Just to clarify, I loathe the current patch night time.
  21. Welcome to the forums. You probably need to dedicate more than a few hours play to obtain a reasonable grasp of the mechanics & loot spawns. The game can be about PvE or PvP or a combination of both. Play how YOU would like to play. There is also a crowbar & baseball bat available as melee options, & engine limitations mean you can't break off tree branches, lead pipes, etc. but that is a splendid suggestion. Loot spawns are divided into different categories: military, residential, farms & industrial. If you can't find an axe easily you're doing it wrong, so check this map because clearly you're not having fun 'earning' your gear. http://dayzdb.com/map After a while you'll know which buildings are props, and adjust your route through towns to compensate. Loot can spawn on the ground around (some of) these buildings too. DayZ is about survival. That's all. It is unforgiving, and you won't be greeted by playful little tooltips or a tutorial fairy holding your hand the whole way. You're a grown-up & if you're not then you probably think you are so I'm sure you can work the rest out. Bullet points rock.
  22. Cheers for the screenies mate, it's lookin bonza.
  23. Grunner

    How many Australians play dayz?

    I swear I'll go outside again when the northern hemisphere gives us our sun back.