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About NiXHeX

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  1. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Any medics able to provide any type of transport? Currently located east of elektro, hitting my FOB for a map and nvgs to make the trek, but I'm heading 12km to the steep north. Someone randomly showed up at our camp while i was tabbed out playin some LoL. Came back in, was dead, helicopter destroyed. Logs showed someone just appeared there so maybe a hacker, iono, and crashed the helicopter (lol tryin to fly out of trees w/o knocking them down) and the explosion killed me. We restarted and my buddy then crashed it (he's not that great of a pilot) on his way to get me. Unfortunately the ATV I had stashed near the coast has been found. We've located the crash site and desperately could use a lift as close to my camp as possible. I've been out of commission for a couple weeks taking care of some stuff and finaly able to play again and start doin the medic stuff, then this has to happen one of my first days back playing /qq. We have TONS of goodies saved up, you name it I can help restock your first aid kit, or even help with firepower, camp building, and demolition desires :D
  2. take a look here http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/87538-need-some-input-before-i-make-a-banpost-on-here/ tell me if any of that looks familiar, it's all i could find in the logs. I dont know where to find the teleporting and stuff. some of the logs dont seem to go back that far, so dont know :(
  3. Well I've been taking some time browsing through the logs and have seen a few suspicious things. I haven't found anything that appears to be players teleporting, though I'll be honest here... I don't know exactly where to look. Ive browsed through every file that shows a modified date after the auto restart before all this happened, and just not seeing it. However, as I stated, I did find a few things suspicious. After looking into it a little more we should be able to take some action on this. Sorry for the troubles that kept you from enjoying your game play. Pss... do you REALLY have to destroy everything you're not going to use out of our camp >.> We could be friends!
  4. An incident happened on the server that I help admin, and after browsing through the logs searching for specific names in the createvehicle log, I came across a few things. A few of these are from the suspected hackers, and another is something I came across on someone else. I know the ammo boxes are hacked in, but I don't know if this is from them actually spawning them, or accessing them. #0 "AmmoBoxBig" 44:7 [13059,6477,46] #0 "RUVehicleBox" 23:18 [386,15258,665] #0 "RUVehicleBox" 23:158 [4210,11172,343] #0 "AmmoBoxSmall_556" 28:109 [4665,9597,339] #0 "SeaGull" 4:0 [-18621,25857,388] #1 "SeaGull" 4:0 [-18621,25857,388] Removed the player names/guid's for privacy reasons if this is not for sure proof that said players are actualy the ones spawning this. I also don't know what hte seagull is, i know there are controls for seagull, but I'm also reading that the seagull may be a player dying? Any info would be greatly appreciated, and if this isn't the right place to post, I am sorry :S -NiX
  5. I'm an admin on said server, though I sadly do not know hot to accurately find where in the logs would show anything like this teleporting and stuff happening. Also, whenever I go into server control (even after logging in manually as admin through chat) the game kicks me. I don't have access to the control panel to ban players from there. The guy who owns the account isn't on very often so it's hard to get in contact with him. Right now the server appears to be "not working". I cannot even restart/stop/start the server. I'll have to email the owner of the account and the other admin who has slightly more power than I, to see if we can get this straitened out. Thank you for the info, it will be looked into as soon as we can. - NiX
  6. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Out and about again with the chopper, in the TMW teamspeak pub channel 2... jump in or poke maddog for quicker response
  7. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Online in the NW area currently, roaming around on my ATV able to help fix up some survivors, and help medics with transport/resupply as I make my way around.
  8. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    whelp ...well crashed my atv, spent the last hour and a half tryin to find some wheels with no luck ... group i play with decided it was smart to fly the chopper to an area w/o picking me up cuz it was low on gas (cuz its so hard to refuel in this game, right?) and they left it there and got themselves killed on another server ... and then my medic buddy decides to run in front of me as im blatantly shooting zombies for the last 15 seconds, then he stops and backpedals back out and i shoot him in the head >.< what a night! lol out of service atm unless someone has one or two wheels they can spare near polana? *edit* well i'll be damned ... after posting this the next server I logged into at polana factory had more car wheels than i could fit in the space i had available. I should be back up in running in about 10 minutes, contact me if you need help!
  9. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Medics #69 and #70 on call, we are somewhat mobile loaded up on some supplies looking to help , currently closest to berezino area and able to head north/west from there
  10. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    that was fun, had no clue where he was luckily not passed out so he could bandage himself till we could extract him :D
  11. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    i'm heading that way to fix someone up, add me on steam: mindspin83 or skype: kjcc2001
  12. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    still need help?
  13. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    sent you a request on steam. I have a chopper, just got done with a call and helpin a group of guys out hooking them up with some supplies cuz i was bored. If you want to join my buddy and I for a little we can pick you up and help you restock because I think we need to as well. We have spare guns and stuff as well. im whitelist #69 he's #70
  14. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    well that was an exciting trip, was heading out to fix him up in the medivac when saucy asked for a pickup/transport so grabbed him and dropped him off then made my way to fix hippo. Got him patched up good then made the tragic mistake of offering him a transport :P. We get about 2 clicks away over a massive forest and he decides to jump out LOL! Still counting it as a save though. Picked him up from his spawn and took him to his buddy, what an interesting mission.
  15. NiXHeX

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Newly whitelisted medic lookin to either help someone in north east'ish part of the map, or help resupply/transport another medic. I have a chopper for resupply/transport so can get you somewhere fast :D