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About unfugius

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    On the Coast
  1. *Which version of the game did you purchase? STEAM or RETAIL or MIXED: Download from Gamesload.de / Same error with the Steam-Version. *Are you running an Arma 2 OA beta patch? If so what version?: 95883 - HIVE 0.7.3 - Dayz *Which method are you using to launch the game? I.E Sixupdater/steam/batch file: Batch *What is the Error/Problem you're having? Please provide screenshots if possible: I follow all Steps from the e-Mail to setup the server. But if I try to connect the server response after a while is: "This server is running an incorrect version of server side appliction. ..." I double checked all steps from the "Welcome-Mail". So I get the Serverfiles from one friend. His server is running with these files. No change at my server. I think, maybe it is a problem with our firewall. I deactivate the firewall but the error ist still there. I remember the MySQL server deamon ist running on the server and maybe this is the problem but no. Now I take a look to the Networkconnections from the server. For me it seems like the Server want to connect: 184.85.xxx.xxx but don't get an answer. What else I can do? *Your PC specs: Server: Opteron 1381, 8GB RAM Clients: 4 different *Your Operating System: Server: WS2008R2 Clients: 4 different