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Everything posted by franzuu

  1. franzuu

    No Message Received Every 10-15 minutes

    That would point to something to do with your setup. Try reporting this on the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php maybe they can help you.
  2. try reporting this on the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php do -dologs in the launch options, crash and upload your crash dumps. Zip the C:\Users\Badger\AppData\Local\DayZ folder and upload it on your issue ticket.
  3. franzuu

    DayZ wont open, please help

    Report this on the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php Have you tried updating your graphics drivers?
  4. franzuu

    DayZ wont open, please help

    whoa boneboys, as a forum administrator you really ought to make your text easier to read.
  5. I made a video of 3 speeds, I let go of the move key at first rail. 1. walk, stops on a dime. 2. default speed you slide for 1 meter 3. sprint you take 1 more step and move 2 meters. I feel that having this inertia thing on the default movement speed is wrong and on the sprint it is way too much. When you want to take 1 step closer to pick up a cucumber you end up stepping on it. This is why people fall off 1 m high ledges all the time and break their feet. This is why moving inside buildings and tight quarters feels so bad. This is why melee fights where you are forced to move around feel bad. IRL you slow down and move your center of gravity if you want to stop at a certain spot. You have better contol of yourself, fine tuned control that you do not get in a video game. I made 1 more video. I want to take 1 step but end up moving 2.5x the distance of that 1 step because of that inertia slide forward. I think this sliding inertia thing should be removed from the default movement speed and significantly toned down on sprinting. The default speed isn't that fast that it would be unreasonable to be able to stop precisely. Leave it on sprint and have ground condition, shoes and item weight affect all of it. Don't make using the default speed (that you use for most activities) make the game feel crap. On the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=22069
  6. franzuu

    No Servers Showing Up

    issue with BE http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220962-dayz-is-not-showing-any-servers/ won't fix it, but do that. Then try resetting winsock
  7. contacted battleye yet? support@battleye.com you can also try the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  8. franzuu

    Dayz graphic problem.

    delete all launch parameters
  9. franzuu

    Dayz graphic problem.

    If you have a valid windows key then it will work for 32 and 64 bit versions of the OS You can get the ISO directly from microsoft for windows 8.1 http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/p/?LinkId=510815(works with all 8 and 8.1 keys) Microsoft stopped providing a windows 7 iso, you'll have to find one from a torrent, check comments, uploader reputation etc. to ensure that it isn't tampered with. Maybe you have the original installation media, I think the box comes with both dvds.
  10. sorry to hear that, the post enables battleye to debug the problem. Try contacting battleye directly support@battleye.com
  11. franzuu

    Performance issues [Seeking Advice]

    Mhmh, you could try disabling boost clokcs with rivaturner or poke around in nvidia control panel and have it run on max 100% of the time. This way you can run on lower graphics settings without fear of the card downclocking.
  12. franzuu

    DayZ repeatedly tabs me out! Help?

    Is it doing this with any other game? Might be something running in the background that is tabbing you out. System restore doesn't get everything. For proper support you should report this on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php Might be worth reinstalling/updating your graphics drivers. I had an issue where my drivers crashed in the background with no notification and it looked like I was tabbed out of the game.
  13. franzuu

    DayZ streaming issues; black screen

    Make sure you have the latest version of OBS installed. Also its worth updating your graphics drivers. I had problems with OBS, old drivers and new games. Maybe something changed in DayZ that broke obs for old drivers.
  14. franzuu

    refund please

    consider yourself lucky, I thought everyone lost the ability to launch the game on win xp when .53 came out. Just because it worked before doesn't mean it will in the future. It was never officially supported. Sorry.
  15. franzuu

    0.54 DayZ Startup Blackscreen

    Remove all launch parameters (though uninstalling and reinstalling should have done that) Delete the DayZ folder in C:\Users\USERNAME\Documents\DayZ Update graphics drivers (i doubt that this is the issue) If all of that fails then report this on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  16. franzuu

    Battleye problem

    support@battleye.com they know more about it and if it is something on their side then it prevents future issues for you and other people too.
  17. franzuu

    About expermental.

    -skipintro was doing this to me remove all launch parameters and start the game, if everything is ok you can start adding them in 1 by 1. Some launch parameters cause issues inside the game (crashes, fps drop). If you want to use the parameters I advise you to add only 1 and play an hour, if its OK then add another. The issues might come from a combination of launch parameters, drivers and hardware.
  18. franzuu

    Need help or a refund :/

    Make a report on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php might be something you can fix or might be something that has to be fixed on battleye or bohemia side.
  19. franzuu

    Dayz may have melted my gtx560m

    You should report this on the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php I've heard other people have similar issues.
  20. franzuu

    Upgraded Pc Downgraded Performance

    If it happens only in dayz then you really ought to report this to http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  21. franzuu

    Dayz may have melted my gtx560m

    Sure a game can push the hardware so much that with improper cooling it will fail, but that isn't the fault of the game. 1. The hardware should have thermal throttling which reduces the speeds and eventually shuts it down. 2. The hardware should have proper cooling to deal with the operating temperatures so that thermal throttling doesn't engage in the first place. For heat to kill your card thermal throttling needs to be broken (driver/firmware issue?) and you need to have inadequate cooling (dust in your laptop).
  22. franzuu


    Have you tried support@battleye.com It might be something that they have to fix and if they do't know about your specific issue then they can't.
  23. franzuu

    DayZ running low on memory (Ram) Error

    check what is using up all of the ram.