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Everything posted by franzuu

  1. franzuu

    Updated DayZ to 0.54.126646 and...

    First time I hear of something like this. Definitely report it on the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  2. franzuu

    Updated DayZ to 0.54.126646 and...

    Hmm, I'm not sure what these next 2 steps could do to help, but try them anyway just in case something really weird is going on. Delete all launch options for dayz in steam delete this dayz folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ If that doesn't do anything for you then report this on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php?page_number=1 Does the whole PC lock up?
  3. franzuu

    Dayz may have melted my gtx560m

    both issues have been assigned
  4. franzuu

    Dayz may have melted my gtx560m

    upvote this issue too http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view.php?id=20750
  5. franzuu


    Read this thread. Its for A2OA though. http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?189322-Can-t-Launch-ArmA-2-OA-BattlEye-Windows-Test-Signing-Mode-Not-Supported Battleye supposedly fixed it on A2OA. Try the experimental version of dayz, it has a newer battleye. From what I've heard is that people on XP are not getting their DayZ to run anyway. Don't know if it is a 100% thing or just some people. If it doesn't work on your XP then it won't be fixed because it isn't supported.
  6. franzuu

    Pixelation/lag problems

    devs said that there will be a hotfix today maybe that'll help
  7. franzuu

    Pixelation/lag problems

    uninstalling and installing doesn't get rid of launch options or that folder, do that too.
  8. franzuu

    Random freezing

    start off with removing all launch options for dayz in steam also delete this dayz folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ changing stuff there is causing major issues on 0.54 make double sure video drivers are up to date You can try out the experimental version (opt into betas for dayz on steam) there are performance and crashing issues on the stable branch if that doesn't help you'll have to report this on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php?page_number=1
  9. franzuu

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    Everyone is getting bad fps in cities. The fps tweaks are causing major issues on the 0.54 patch here is the best guide i don't know if these will cause issues
  10. franzuu

    Pixelation/lag problems

    Try deleting all launch options for dayz in steam delete this dayz folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ try that. Tomorrow (probably) there will be a hotfix for some crashing and maybe memory leak issues.
  11. franzuu

    Huge lag when entering in buildings

    There is an issue with a memory leak in 0.54 Not sure if thats the issue, but certainly sounds like it. Might have to wait for the hotfix that will maybe come tomorrow. I wanted you to delete the folder to reset the game settings, your game is supposed to recreate the folder with defaults.
  12. franzuu

    Huge lag when entering in buildings

    delete all lauch options for dayz in steam delete this dayz folder C:\Users\Franzuu\AppData\Local\DayZ first try those
  13. franzuu

    "Preparing to launch DayZ" then nothing

    Tried launching steam as admin? If that or the other steps in the thread don't fix this then rreport it to http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  14. franzuu

    Spontaneous switching video.

    I've seen other people complain about the same thing. report this on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php maybe the devs can do something to the game or poke at the dudes who make optimus.
  15. Everyone should have an i5 K-series CPU minimum(gamers). People are still using their i5 2500K OC @ 4.5-5.0 GHz (4 years old) because it chews through pretty much every game out there except on certain setups. Everyone who plays games, does video processing or 3D rendering or some other task like that should OC.
  16. franzuu

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    "The New Renderer" is coming Q1 2015 according to the roadmap, so within a month. We will probably start seeing improvments in Q2 2015.
  17. franzuu

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    I think I said as much as to what a CPU upgrade would do to his FPS. Intel K series CPUs are meant to be overclocked. There are a lot of guides out there. Its impossible to fry your CPU if you follow instructions and I'm not sure that even if you tried to kill your CPU through BIOS settings you'd be able to.
  18. franzuu

    player losing connection?

    it might be, try playing on a wired connection
  19. franzuu

    player losing connection?

    playing on wifi? is your connection actually dropping?
  20. franzuu

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    Thats the best 4 core CPU you can get. If gaming is all you do then this CPU might be a few percentage points better in some situations because of no hyperthreading but HT can be turned off on the more expensive CPU. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819117372its cheaper too. Note that it is clocked lower, you have to overclock it for it to be on par with the 4790K. Both overclock about the same but each CPU is different and nothing is guaranteed. To overclock you need an aftermarket cooler like the Noctua NH-D14 or the newer NH-D15. Newegg has some new BS policy of not showing prices, both should be around $90-$100. Arma 3 Life has bad fps because the mission (mod) is bloated with scripts. I do not know if a better CPU will improve FPS there. The CPU will improve minimum FPS in DayZ. For it to be worth it you'll have to overclock it to 4.5 GHz which most chips can do easy. Maybe you can even eek out a 4.6 or 4.7. One thing you have to consider is that DayZ is horrible ATM and you'll likely be disappointed with the gains I have a 3770K at 4.6 GHz with a GTX 670. I usually get 20-25 fps in towns. My suggestion is to wait. Let the Devs fix the engine. Intel is coming out with Broawdell K desktop CPUs in Q2 2015, right when the dayz devs will be introducing the engine fixes. Then you can see if you need a new CPU or maybe a GPU. The R270x is a good and capable GPU, your CPU is good too actually. Delete the launch options and delete the dayz folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ because 0.54 inroduced something that made those tweaks cause bad FPS and crashes. Though there have been reports of the memory related launch options fixing the crashes for some.
  21. http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/220962-dayz-is-not-showing-any-servers/ and then contact support@battleye.com
  22. franzuu

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    The game is CPU bound. Getting a good CPU with very good 1 core performance will move that CPU bottleneck forward. There isn't a CPU in existence that will fix* the FPS issues for the game as it is now. *remove the CPU bottleneck for a powerful GPU like the 980 (or even a lower than mid-range GPU) when rendering complex scenes. A better CPU WILL!!! improve the minimum framerate.
  23. franzuu

    DayZ SA FPS Help!

    sorry, that link doesn't work. The thing with DayZ is that it is very CPU dependent, but it promises to get better. A new GPU will get you more frames in H1Z1, I do not think you are CPU bound by it.
  24. franzuu

    Tried all pinned topic but nothing is working!

    delete all launch parameters for dayz in steam delete this dayz folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ Do you have a 32 bit version of windows? i've heard that switching to 64 bit can fix this. You need a legit key to install these official ISOs for windows 7 http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-recovery fow windows 8.1 http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-8/create-reset-refresh-media be sure to select 64 bit when installing.