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Everything posted by franzuu

  1. franzuu

    DayZ SA not starting

    try everything in the FAQ here http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/ try verifying game cache. if that doesn't work then try contacting battleye.
  2. franzuu

    Actually cant get into a server

    you are likely VAC banned
  3. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    if you reinstall windows then only the hard drive windows is installed on will be overwritten. Everything on it will be lost. OS drives usually have the drive letter C.
  4. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    Are you sure you did everything in here http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/ My game doesn’t start / I get a Windows error (e.g. “The application was unable to start correctly (0xc000009a)”) when launching with BE enabled. How do I fix this? Please try the following things: Ensure that there is no d3d9.dll or dsound.dll file in your game directory. If there is one please remove/rename it.Ensure that you have a legitimate copy of Windows. Pirated copies might no longer be supported by the latest BE version.Uninstall the broken Windows update “KB3004394″ (enter this without the quotes in the window’s search bar at the top) by following this guide:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/remove-update.Check if your game directory’s file permissions are broken by doing the following: Right-click on your game directory (in Windows Explorer), select “Properties” and go to the “Security” tab. In the group/user list select the “SYSTEM” entry and check if it has full access. Otherwise click “Edit…” and grant the “SYSTEM” user full access.Your system’s root certificates might be broken/corrupted. To fix them download and install the following update from Microsoft:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931125.Check your system files for corruptions and possibly repair them by following these guides: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929833 andhttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/947821.Scan your system with up-to-date anti-virus software. Malware that modifies system or game files can cause such issues when BE is enabled.Ensure that you don’t use any tweaked/custom versions of system files (including DirectX). Reinstall DirectX, see the following page for details:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/179113.If none of the above helps please contact us directly at support[at]battleye.com. Do all of that AGAIN. If it doesn't work then e-mail battleye and tell them that you tried those things on the list and that it didn't work.
  5. franzuu

    DayZ BE Dll Error

    Sweetim messenger is something that gets bundled with other software. It gets installed when you are not careful and just spam next or choose express install when installing stuff. Make sure your windows is fully updated. If dayz loads normally and everything works, then you can ignore the message. You still ought to find out what the dll is, might be malware or something like that. Why is SweetIM messenger trying to inject itself into DayZ?
  6. franzuu

    Steam cannot connect to Internet ---> No servers listed

    try the second FAQ here http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/
  7. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    try reinstalling windows
  8. For some reason those .dll files are being injected into the game (attempted to), but why? Do they have an overlay component? They hardware will work but any overlay won't.
  9. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    Razer Synapse seems to have problems with multiple programs. For me it used to be OBS.
  10. franzuu

    Day z sa and Arma 2 oa not starting up

    might be an issue with battleye try the second FAQ here http://battleye.com/support.html My game doesn't start / I get a Windows error (e.g. "The application was unable to start correctly (0x0000009a)") when launching with BE enabled. How do I fix this? Please try the following things: Ensure that there is no d3d9.dll or dsound.dll file in your game directory. If there is one please remove/rename it.Ensure that you have a legitimate copy of Windows. Pirated copies might no longer be supported by the latest BE version.Uninstall the broken Windows update "KB3004394" (enter this without the quotes in the window's search bar at the top) by following this guide:http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/remove-update.Check if your game directory's file permissions are broken by doing the following: Right-click on your game directory (in Windows Explorer), select "Properties" and go to the "Security" tab. In the group/user list select the "SYSTEM" entry and check if it has full access. Otherwise click "Edit..." and grant the "SYSTEM" user full access.Your system's root certificates might be broken/corrupted. To fix them download and install the following update from Microsoft:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/931125.Check your system files for corruptions and possibly repair them by following these guides: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/929833 andhttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/947821.Scan your system with up-to-date anti-virus software. Malware that modifies system or game files can cause such issues when BE is enabled.Ensure that you don't use any tweaked/custom versions of system files (including DirectX). Reinstall DirectX, see the following page for details:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/179113.If none of the above helps please contact us directly at support[at]battleye.com.
  11. try reporting this on the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  12. franzuu

    I cant find any servers

    first FAQ here http://www.battleye.com/support.html First FAQ here http://www.battleye.com/support.html :)
  13. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    do you have an antivirus
  14. franzuu

    I cant find any servers

    first FAQ here http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  15. franzuu

    Character options

    just go ahead and delete the whole folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ
  16. you should report all game bugs on the bug tracker so the devs will see them :) http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  17. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    this is from another thread check if you have it installed and remove it. Also try running the Windows update troubleshooter http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/troubleshoot-problems-installing-updates I had a few updates that kept failing for months and fixed it with that a week ago. Do you have any anti virus running?
  18. franzuu

    Can only see/join Foreign servers.

    i'm not sure how the server browser works, but it seems really strange that you are able to ping servers but they are not showing up in the browser if a reinstall and deletion of this folder C:\Users\Franzuu\Documents\DayZ and this folder C:\Users\Franzuu\AppData\Local\DayZ don't fix it then try reporting this on here http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  19. dayz uninstall won't delete system files
  20. franzuu

    Can only see/join Foreign servers.

    try doing the netsock reset https://iihelp.iinet.net.au/Resetting_Network_Adapter_%28Winsock_Reset%29
  21. franzuu

    DayZ won't launch at all...please help me...

    install this http://www.microsoft.com/en-GB/download/details.aspx?id=40784
  22. franzuu

    Starting Error after maintenance!

    Only thing I can suggest you is to wait on the feedback tracker, bump your issue if it isn't getting any attention or try battleye support again.
  23. franzuu

    Servers? Can only see some servers

    have a friend give you an ip of one of the servers and try manually pinging it
  24. franzuu

    DayZ won't launch at all...please help me...

    Reinstalled windows too? Did you update all drivers after the OS reinstall? What software did you install after OS reinstall and trying DayZ? Try running a memtest http://www.memtest.org/to see if maybe you have faulty RAM or something like that.
  25. franzuu

    I can't play after joining a server

    well there's your problem. The 2 exes are different and while both open the game, only one of them is BE enabled and lets you play on BE servers. Change the names back, open the game and if an error occurs then go from there.