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Everything posted by franzuu

  1. franzuu

    Exp Update 0.61.136845

    You know how the sun shadows move in noticeable ticks and I think the same is with swaying tree shadows (which should be the same cause)? Can anything be done to smooth that out? Client side interpolation for the shadow position if its got something to do with the server enforcing time/sun? If the server enforces sun position and shadows cast by the environment are calculated only on that tick, why can't the shadows be calculated every frame client side for moving objects like clouds and trees (if clouds could cast partial shade on the landscape)? Why can't the sun position be interpolated every frame in between the authoritative server sun positions? The reason I think sun position might be serverside is because of the issues with time desync and 24/7 daytime hacks that the game had. Sun position interpolation might open up a hole to do time of day hacks. How does it actually work? I'm just guessing here.
  2. franzuu

    Exp Update 0.61.136821

    the bullets are whizzing but they are not cracking, is this intended? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonic_boom
  3. franzuu

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Seems like sound travel is instant and is not subject to distance? The order and existence of all of the events is of course dependent on network conditions.
  4. franzuu

    Exp Update 0.61.136770

    Have not played dayz in a long while but I've got a question about sound and bullet cracks. Been on my mind for a bit. Does sound have travel time? You see the muzzle flash and you hear the shot after. (or explosion or any other loud event) Does it work with bullet cracks? You hear the whizz/crack and then hear the shot. Thank you!
  5. franzuu

    black screen bug

    remove all of them and try again
  6. franzuu

    black screen bug

    do you have any launch parameters set?
  7. franzuu

    OBS Multiplatform support

    e-mail support@battleye.com about it
  8. franzuu

    DayZ.exe and DayZSrv being blocked

    i have a feeling that this has something to do with your antivirus try contacting support@battleye.com
  9. franzuu

    Side by Side error when starting game.

    for quite a few people razer synapse causes this, try uninstalling razer synapse
  10. move your steamapps folder away and move it back after reinstalling, then verify game files? Maybe that'll work.
  11. franzuu

    Anyway to fix Desync lag?

    strange, try reporting it on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  12. franzuu

    Anyway to fix Desync lag?

    speedtest ping and your ping to a game server are not the same. Look at the pings of the servers you are joining.
  13. franzuu

    Game freeze every 10/30 minutes

    report your crashes on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/view_all_bug_page.php
  14. You won't get anything like that The game is constantly changing right now. What works today might make your game crash next patch. Right now I wouldn't touch FPS tweaks that are more than a patch old. I have a feeling that when the new renderer drops we'll be getting a 30% increase in minimum frames. Not based on anything but a gut feeling/hope. If there are any hardware incompatibilities then the devs will have to be notified of it. If the game isn't running well enough for you to play it and you don't want to spend $1500 on a new PC, I suggest you come back in 2 months.
  15. franzuu

    Starrting error

    after that contact battleye support
  16. franzuu

    Starrting error

    its adressed here http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/
  17. franzuu

    Getting an error trying to launch DayZSA

    do everything here and if it doesn't help contact battleye http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/
  18. franzuu

    Dayz / Arma3 crashes at launch

    email battleye to get support for freetrack
  19. franzuu

    Starrting error

    do the same thing. Also run an antivirus and antimalware scan
  20. franzuu

    Starrting error

    try everything on the battleye FAQ http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/ make sure your windows is fully updated make sure your windows update is working right http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/troubleshoot-problems-installing-updates scan for broken/missing system files http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833 if some files fail to be repaired then repair them manually, search on google how. this will take care of 99% of the stuff you can yourself to fix your issues.
  21. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    what did it say?
  22. try uninstalling and reinstalling steam
  23. franzuu

    DAYZ Will Not Launch! -Help Me

    you are going to have to do it. You can uninstall from "programs and features"/"add and remove programs" get them back through windows update.
  24. franzuu

    Dayz Doesn't start

    before you do it though, try windows system file repair http://support.microsoft.com/en-us/kb/929833
  25. franzuu

    DayZ Standalone- Steam: Preparing to launch

    try everything here http://www.battleye.com/support/faq/ reinstall steam report on http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php