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About gummygum173

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    On the Coast

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  1. gummygum173

    My list of suggestions... (updating)

    The water stuff might be a pain, but the other stuff?
  2. gummygum173

    My list of suggestions... (updating)

    Hey, first, Id like to say that I DO NOT expect the features listed here to appear in the game in Alpha, Beta, Full release, or ever. Also, those features might have been already suggested/confirmed, but my ideas might be slightly better, so why the hell not post it? And for last, Im currently using my tablet, so tezt formatting will be a bige issue. 1. Wet clothes. Ever entered a river, or any water source IRL and got your clothes really wet? Know that annoying feeling when all of your clothes are soaking with water and make your clothes weight more than they should? Well, why shouldnt we add this 'con' of getting into water toDayZ? So that if you want to drink from a lake, or swim to an island, you know you will suffer from slow walking... if its all sunny and bright outside, your clothes will dry soon, but if its a cold night, you might suffer from great coldness. 2. Water ruins your electrical equipment. 3. Hard boxes protect your equipment from water. 4. Hard boxes can only contain items (as for now, i was able to put my defib unit in my hardbox and save lots of slots, and putting a box inside another box doesnt make much sense) 5. Washing your clothes. Lied in the grass camping the NWAF for too long? Walked in rough terrain? Well, naturally, your clothes will get dirty, and stinky (sweat, maybe? If you wear warming clothes when its hot, or you run alot). And naturally, that will attract alot of damn zombies. How can you wash that dirt off? Get into the sea. 6. Blood trails from wounded players. 7. If your character dies of a zombie bite, he has a big chance to 'arise' and walk with your equipment around, untill someone kills him. (Note: the body turns into an NPC, and acts on its own, NOT CONTROLLED BY THE DEAD PLAYER) 8. Signs of zombie infection beggining, i guess that when its all started, people werent all dressed and happy in their homes, someone might have been infexted while fixing his house, spawning a zombie with a hammer in hand, another one might be a poor police officer, wadering with a batton. In all of those zombie movies, the brainless still remember part of their routine, and stick to their items, you can see that in The Walking Dead, when the lil girl picks up a teddy (shes a zed, ofcourse). 9. No morphine magic. Last time ive checked, your legs didnt magicly fix themselves when youve injected some morphine, am I right? 10. The ability to break other parts, as hands or limbs. 11. Something must be done with the broken legs thing, maybe lossing conciousness, or lying on your back motionless, because i dont think that when you break your legs, some kind of a force MAKES you prone, and actually, move while proning. 12. Fix the ToS, EULA, and all of this stuff we sign for without reading. This game is a freaking Horror, Survival, 18+, Roleplaying game. (That brings me to my next, viral suggestions) 13. Childrenzombies. Scariesrt. Thing. Ever. 14. Ignore any case of offending, discrimination, and etc. I see DayZ, as a roleplaying, survival simulator. And naturally, there WILL BE discrimination, always, eveb when those half dead half living creatures wandering around. Thats the whole idea of roleplaying. Having gangs of crazy nazis killing anyone who's not white. Having black and Asian people organizing anti-white gangs. Having wierd kiddos walking around singing about flying penises. Why? Because thats the human nature, that is the reality, and having a survival realistic simulator without those personalities isnt fun. 15. Emblems and such. Finding pieces of clothes, spray, and more painting material to craft a badge, or spraying a house or a car. And eveb if we'll see "Heil hitler" or "Fucj the jews" or a flying green cock entering a yellow cat-dog, thts the reality we all see around, go outside, walk around your neighborhood and i assure you, you will find ateast one stupid spray. Also, those items can be extremy rare, so if I finally find one, I wont stupidly use it to write something dumb, but to make myself a nice badge, or pimp my ride. 16. Ability to hang people with ropes, or tie them to a tree. 17. Tie peoples hands with ropes, easier to break from than handcuffs. 18. Some kind of gore. Thats all for now, i will keep this thread updated with more ideas I come up with. (Will also categorize and organize the text somewhen soon).
  3. gummygum173

    Seperate Profiles?

    A good idea! And it is easy to prevent hacking and stuff. For example, insted of creating a variable for the CDKey only, the team could do something like if PlayerName = x, Player Key = 123; { read x_123.xyz } if PlayerName = y, PlayerKey = 123; { read y_123.xyz } and then if the CDKey is banned, all the profiles are banned. excuse my codding, it sucks yeah, I've just had my 1st C# lesson :P But you get my point...
  4. gummygum173

    Multiple Glitches

    Oh, this bug made me rage so much, I couldn't understand why. Eventualy I found the fix, DO NOT look at the body for 1-2 minutes, when you will turn back after this ammount of time, you'll notice the meat spawned :)
  5. gummygum173

    Locks and keys ( a different suggestion)

    I see, ok I'll add your version to my post.
  6. gummygum173

    Locks and keys ( a different suggestion)

    Ok, thank you for the reply :) Your opinion DOES matter to me.
  7. Hey guys/ladies, this is my first post here :) So, before you start raging and swearing at me, yes, I have used the search option, yes, there are similar suggestion, but mine is newer and better. So, we all know that Dayz has a lot of cool and realistic features, but, if you already livein a dark and dead world, among with other survivors, who will kill you for your stuff easily, why don't you find yourself a hideout? Well, you found an apartment? Yah sure, one can simply steal your stuff, and you aren't safe. Lock! This is my solution. So, ok, let's hear some more! Well, you can only place the lock on the door, and open it with your key, which you can get by crafting. Crafting? What is it minecraft? What I should break trees with my hand? Haha no, all you will need is a scrap for each item (1 scrap for the lock, and one for the key), a workbench (let's say rocket will add it to factories), and some time, you got all those? Let's start! So, at fists, you stand near a workbench, and open your action menu while looking at it, you'll have two options, craft a lock/craft a key. The fist time you craft a key/lock with your account, it will take you around 5 minutes, by each time, you'll get better and craft a 30 seconds faster (the maximum you can reduce to is 2 minutes). While working, it will make a sound, not so loud, but not quite as well, which will slowly attract zombies to the place, they will walk to it on normal speed, and won't rush to the sound source, which will make your work harder, after you craft both akey,and a lock, you step near a door and again, open the action menu while looking at it, and choosing "place lock" when done, you open the action menu again and choose "lock door", the key is now linked to the lock. Whenever you want to luck/unlock your door, you'll have to open the action menu. Oh, that's too easy for you to hide your stuff in there and leech the house? Well, your house can be breached, the thief will just need a crowbar, time, and a covering friend. He will approach your door, and choose "hijack/breach door", when started, an animation will start, and a huge sound will be heard, zombies will rush to the noise source, smelling your nasty brain. The operation will take 5 minutes as well, but, the time will be completly random +-3 minutes,means sometime you can break the door in (5-3) 2 minutes, and sometime in (5+3) 8 minutes, the more doors you breach, the +- time will be reduce in 10 second,which can be good for you in one hand, or bad... The lock will be distroyed after breaching it, and the key will be able to reuse/will be useless (the devs option...) Edit: there is a 1/1000 chance that your crowbar will be destroyed, and the operation will fail, also if you move while breaching the operation will stop and youll have to start over. What happens when I die? 3 days after you die, the key and the lock will disappear, and if someone looted your body before the lock has disappeared, and knows your house location, he could enter it with no problems (3 days after your death, the lock will disappear). Edit: another IDE from PohTaeToez: There will be exclusively locked buildings set by the developers, and sometimes keys will spawn near the building... Or, you could breach the door with a crowbar (which will be long and quite) / explosives (quick and loud).