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Pure (DayZ)

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Everything posted by Pure (DayZ)

  1. I had some guy on a low pop server teleport me all the way up north and then spawned a helicopter and then left, it was wierd but I never seen any death messages maybe he just spawned stuff for people who knows, I was listening for someone elses foot steps also because they can go invisible when I was running from kamenka.
  2. Pure (DayZ)

    AS50 TSW on this heli spawn

    if Rocket said people that loot these items from other people and use them its ok, so it should be ok.
  3. Pure (DayZ)

    I messed up

  4. Pure (DayZ)

    I messed up

    The kid knows he did wrong, and he paid the ultimate price. Only reason the kid is trying to be nice is he got caught, if he was hacking people I bet he would have a different tone, this is the tone MadMax is giving him. I love how the dev team is using the new patch on servers that they run catching these hackers, soon they will be gone.
  5. Pure (DayZ)

    I messed up

    The dev's are running some servers catching the hackers.
  6. Pure (DayZ)

    Sever up

    what are you using to record fraps?
  7. Is this server being run by DayZ dev's? Would be awsome if the people hacking get perma banned lol
  8. You do reaize how much money Bio made from DayZ right? you very well know they used that cash to hire extra help for that contract, so I wouldn't try and use that as an excuse. They need to address this and with 1 million people supporting DayZ, they would be stupid not to have people help Rocket and crew, and I bet they are doing that right now trying to figure out how to have that arma II engine work with DayZ, hell they might even modify it just for DayZ to have Rocket use he modified version for full release and pay duties on it later on for the work they did.
  9. This is why it is a great idea for Rocket to tell Bio to let them see the names of people getting killed, you were killed by "this person", or "this person" was teleported by "this person", or the flying cows are being created by "this person". This would tell you who is mass killing people or anyone that is cheating and then the admins can ban these people and Rocket can perma ban the ip's so these people can not re purchase DayZ. As you already know you can see the persons name on friendly fire so why not just make it so everyone can see what everyone is doing from the HIVE? Simple soltuion and it would not be hard to just code into the Battle Eye because friendly fire is already coded in.
  10. Pure (DayZ)

    Let the "hive" report what everyone is doing......

    well you can see who killed you by friendly player no? why not jyst have it set to player kills player, atleast if you see someone mass killing people you know who it is. You seriosuly think Bio doesn't want 1 million people purchasing the next dayz on the arma engine you need to recheck yourself. They solf 1 million extra copies of arma II because of DayZ. you really think thhey are not concerned about cashing in more from the full release down the road. They will fix this problem sooner or later but sooner would show they mean business and appreciate our support.
  11. Pure (DayZ)

    Move DayZ 100% to managed server hosts.

    This is why it is a great idea for Rocket to tell Bio to let them see the names of people getting killed, you were killed by "this person", or "this person" was teleported by "this person", or the flying cows are being created by "this person". This would tell you who is mass killing people or anyone that is cheating and then the admins can ban these people and Rocket can perma ban the ip's so these people can not re purchase DayZ. As you already know you can se the persons name on friendly fire so why not just make it so everyone can see what everyone is doing from the HIVE? Simple soltuion would not be hard to just code into the Battle Eye.
  12. Pure (DayZ)

    DayZ Supplemental Ban List

    This is why it is a great idea for Rocket to tell Bio to let them see the names of people getting killed, you were killed by "this person", or "this person" was teleported by "this person", or the flying cows are being created by "this person". This would tell you who is mass killing people or anyone that is cheating and then the admins can ban these people and Rocket can perma ban the ip's so these people can not re purchase DayZ.
  13. Pure (DayZ)

    FR8 Hacker

    I think they should alow people to see who was killed by who to know who is hacking.
  14. This is a perfect example why Rocket and Bio needs to address this asap, or Rockets idea is out the window.
  15. Do you guys have a teamspeak vent or ventrillo vent for customer service?
  16. Pure (DayZ)

    Server admins stealing GUIDs for spoofing

    To even say that the game wasn't paid for that Rocket and DayZ crew shouldn't make hacking a priority says volumes that they must be the hackers and are scared they might actually have to work for what they earn. Thats just fkn stupid to even say that they shouldn't bother with it is retarded. People are already closing servers because of this, yet if this isn't addressed you think people would actually go out and purchase Dayz knowing of this problem. I don't support hackers and I wouldn't support a game that doesn't address this major issue, this has to be the most important thing that Rocket and crew needs to fix before it becomes the death of DayZ.
  17. Pure (DayZ)

    Darwin List: Banned Users

    ban the IP's of these people would make sure they don't come back, even if they buy another account.
  18. Pure (DayZ)

    Jackin the Hackers

    did he just say add him to steam and his name, sounds like stmvros.
  19. Pure (DayZ)

    Hackers have destroyed this game

    You will encounter them when you kill them trust me I have many times lol. The real reason Rocket should adress this is when it is released how do we know the hackers won't have control again, the best thing Rocket can do is squash the hacker bugs now and prove a point they won't tolerate that shit and permaban the IP address from these people. If I was going to purchase the stand alone copy and this alpha was never addressed about the hackers, how do we know they have a solution then showing us in alpha? One way to fix it is to release a patch that crushed the hackers and show them the door.
  20. Pure (DayZ)


    I hear many people shutting down the servers because of the hackers.If they don't fix this soon DayZ will die slowly and if they want to sell when it comes to full release good luck to them the damage would have already be done. If I was Rocket and crew I would asap a fix for this, what I would do is have the people reporting hacking on the servers submit tickets to Rocket and grant him access to the server and realize who is doing it and perma ban them and see what the problem is and fix it. Only way they will fix it is being part of it. They have the tool that most server admins don't. I was on a server just a little while ago and attacked somene and then 1 minute later I get killed with no one around me. Its sad but I just hope they fix this before it becomes the death of DayZ.
  21. Pure (DayZ)

    texture gliches

    I get textures glitching a lot at the air fields for some reason. Thought it was my crossfire so I go turn it off and nope still the same, its worse this patch than last. What I get are like a point shape that moves around on the screen, its really bad. The other one I get is I can only see my feet sometimes, wacked out shit lol.
  22. I hear a lot of people not up keeping the servers because of these hackers, so reality is they are losing money big time with people not keeping the servers live. I agree they should just use punk busters till they have BE 100% fixed. They have to look at it for the survival for the game if this keeps up then no one will host servers because who wants to deal with that shit daily. You pay for a server to play on and host for others and yet your doing all the work because of what BE can't detect. This is why people just run servers when they are on and shut them down when they are not becaue when they are not around the hackers ruin it for everyone else.