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Everything posted by xaden3

  1. Private servers cannot corrupt your offical server chars. There is absolutly 0 connection between the 2. If anything you may need to reinstall the mod.
  2. Hackers are usually rampant.
  3. I'm working on a custom version of dayz myself. i have slowed down zombies to walking and increased there numbers, made them attack vehicles, spawn even if your in vehicles and loot spawns while your in vehicles. Currently I'm trying to adjust the rate of ammo and food to make it hard to come by. The idea of just ammo with weapon spawns didnt occur to me so imma try that. If anyone can think of some other stuff to try I'd love to hear it.
  4. xaden3


    Exactly why I wont dignify there posts with a response. Also why private servers are a blessing. Edit: Just to be clear, I have no problem with bandits. Its the random deathmatchs that ruined DayZ. Wont be allowed on my server.
  5. xaden3


    Or make it so loot doesnt respawn until server restart. Force people to gather supplies and hold out.
  6. xaden3

    What the Fuck?

    And this is why I love private servers. Would have been banned instantly on mine.
  7. xaden3


    Ok if you guys want to test it out and give me some feedback PM me.
  8. xaden3


    I think having lights at night would kill the suspense in my opinion.
  9. xaden3


    If you would like to test it when I get off work in a couple hours I can send you the dayz_code.pbo file. You just have to backup yours and simply place mine in the addon folder and Ill give you server and pw. Edit: Could use the feedback and stability testing as its only been 2 people on at a time so far.
  10. xaden3


    I would like to add a stamina function at some point but im not sure how yet. Make it so that you have to stop and "sit" for a while to recover. As for the loot that sounds like a good plan may look into it as well.
  11. xaden3


    Yeah i was testing it the other night and man it was intense. There were me and my brother in electro working on a huey and 250 zombies coming in from all sides staggering at us. I accidently ended up hitting my bro in the chaos. But yeah when i say RP I mean merely surviving day to day in the world for myself.
  12. xaden3


    I may make my server a RP server when I'm done modding it. So far I have made the zombies walk only, increased there numbers, they spawn and attack vehicles if your in them, and loot spawns while in vehicles. Also added sandbags to industrial spawns and increased tent spawn rate in stores. Still trying to figure out what else I want to change on my server before I decide anything else.
  13. I have tryed the beta and if anything hasnt changed since I tryed it, its and epic fail. The handling is shit, theres markers showing where everyone is so theres no hiding etc. Edit: Oh and the map was small as hell.
  14. xaden3

    Soldier clothing?

    Standard Skin.............Survivor2_DZ Camo Clothing Skin........Camo1_DZ Ghillie Clothing Skin.....Sniper1_DZ Rocket's Personal Skin....Rocket_DZ < not availible Soldier Skin..............Soldier1_DZ < not availible 2nd Survivor Skin.........SurvivorW2_DZ < female Bandit Skin...............Bandit1_DZ < not availible
  15. If its called M4A1 CCO SD its legit. Edit: Fixed spelling.
  16. xaden3

    Will Arma 3 actually be optimized?

    I didnt read the whole thread but saying that something isnt optimized b/c the graphics arnt as pretty as the next game is wrong. It takes much more than graphics for a game to work, all those functions and varibles going on behind the scene can cause fps drops as well.
  17. xaden3

    I'm sick of that spawn shit!!

    You know you can walk out of the debug forest and back into the world All the debug forest is is located on the far left side of the map in some heavy woods, just walk east. Did it to me yesterday.
  18. Lets not try stirring shit up for no reason.
  19. should have to headshot them for a kill imo.
  20. xaden3

    More skins to the game?

    Yeah they should be removed till fixed. Right now you can simply change skins and loose all zombies chasing you. Find one skin and keep your civilian one and you never have to fight another zombie again.
  21. xaden3

    Be or not to be friendly?

    Well I learned my lesson earlier. Trying to be nice and give a new spawn guy a pistol. He takes it and shoots me in the back. Well played I guess. Everyone's free game now.
  22. xaden3

    THE Day is TOO DAMN BRIGHT Thread.

    Try not to be so obvious when you troll. 1/10.
  23. Yea but what Im wondering is, does the vehicles only spawn once and then you have to wait on server restart for fresh spawns are do they spawn simular to loot.
  24. I have a question about vehicle spawns. Do they only spawn once at server start or do they spawn simular to loot IE % chance per tick in player range.
  25. xaden3

    Force Quit = Punishment?

    IKShadow has pretty much the only safe and effective way to stop cheaters without punishing tech problems.