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About Lupin-III

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  1. Lupin-III

    Do you gain humanity through time?

    Sure, you gain humanity over time... then you log out and it resets it right back to where it was.
  2. I'm no longer playing DayZ. Better things to do than get killed over and over by script kiddies that were breastfed by their mothers into their twenties.
  3. If I were a new player thinking of buying ARMA 2 to play DayZ, and came on here and saw all the threads about hacking... there's no fucking way in hell I would open my wallet for the game. The threads should stay to save potential new players the frustration of having to deal with the bullshit that ALL OF US are feeling at this point.
  4. I didn't read your giant red font. So I'll just reply with what I think you said. The tastiest water comes from the pond behind the factory, southeast of Polana. I think it has something to do with the chemicals stored there. That and the dead sheep I saw floating in it one day. MMmmmm. Sheep water.
  5. Because one of the scripts they use replaces the gear of everyone on the server with... AS50/M107 M4 SD M1911 All the tools, range finder and night vision goggles Coyote pack and main inventory full of .50 ammo, stanag sd ammo, two canteens, painkillers, epi pen, bloodbags, morphine, a bunch of cooked meat, and one ghillie suit.
  6. Lupin-III

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    It's to all the people who talk down to players of other games. And simulator... fps... they're both video games, not real life, and shouldn't be taken so seriously. They're definitely not a good enough reason to treat other people as if they're inferior.
  7. Lupin-III

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    You're not fooling anyone. You own every CoD game and enjoy the hell out of them, you just say you don't because it's the current hipster douche thing to hate. People always "hate" the most popular things simply to be contrarians.
  8. Lupin-III

    How Do You Roleplay?

    Like I just posted in another thread... the moment I find a mountain dew, I drop all other objectives and start running directly to green mountain, where I offer it to the mass grave while chanting a prayer to the Old Ones. I also run away from forest chickens. They can't be trusted. They're in league with the goats.
  9. I don't remember where I found it, but it wasn't far from the coast and it was on my first day playing. I drank it because I was thirsty and didn't see another one for at least a month. These days when I find one, I head straight for green mountain and leave it in the mass grave. ia! ia! greenmountain'fhtagn
  10. Lupin-III

    M1911 or G17?

    For me, damage doesn't even enter into it. If you're using a pistol, it's headshot or nothing... all pistol damage is too insignificant otherwise. That leaves accuracy, capacity, and attachments, and my hierarchy is as follows... Suppressed Flashlight High Capacity The only true advantage the M1911 has is the infinite ammo exploit.
  11. Lupin-III

    Worst addition to the game

    The community doesn't get better as people quit, because the people who don't quit are the elitist douchbags that talk down to everyone else, proclaiming their superiority because they're sticking it out. The community as a whole is shit.
  12. Lupin-III

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Basically... ARMA players treat DayZ players in the exact same way that DayZ players treat CoD players. Most of you are too insecure over your game of choice and have to treat others as inferiors for preferring something else. It's actually funny.
  13. Lupin-III

    Vehicle Spawn points on DayZDB accurate?

    Your sig isn't big OR ugly enough. Please replace it with something larger and uglier at your earliest convenience.
  14. I started using the female survivor after finding my first ghillie suit and having it eat my entire inventory, so I took the female skin so I wouldn't make that mistake again until they patched it. But I keep using the female skin for one reason... the breathing and movement sounds. When the male survivors run around, they make all sorts of random noises from their equipment... like an entrenching tool bumping against a canteen with every step and a set of janitor's keys jingling. Once they get winded... they start sounding like that Adam Sandler Fatty McGee Skit. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrC9qU6D6xY It just bugs the fuck out of me. The females don't make all that additional noise, and the breathing sound isn't nearly as annoying. The female skin and model is ugly as hell, and looks like an orangutan while running, but I rarely use third-person so that doesn't bother me. I don't really care what I look like, but not having to listen to Fatty McGee makes it worth using.