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About heath619

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. heath619

    WTH tents just sigh.

    Yea commander has everything up to date, so i really don't know. Before i stored some random shit in a tent and it saved so i may wait for the server restart then put my gear in the tent after that.
  2. heath619

    WTH tents just sigh.

    Nar after the 1st tent, i put some tin cans in some to see if was raiders, but even those were gone. like our tents are in good places like its whack that they never save.
  3. Ok ok now my mates and i have been playing for 5-6 days now, and we plan on making a "camp" if that is even possible, So on Day 2 of playing we found a tent ventured somewhere and set two tents up oh fun fun! we had some basic supplies in there all happy and that jazz we saved out tent and logged out. We log back on the next day and to our surprise everything we had was gone! after debating what happened to our stuff, we goggle and hit some forums and saw there was a bug that could delete all your gear, Oh goodo! So after reading this and the crushing defeat of the alpha we lost a bit of spirit, but nether less we want to try again because of how many other players have "camps" so we went out the next day to go make another camp we had 3 tents and some low/medium grade supplies so we tented up and stored our stuff, so we save our gear and rah rah, log on the next day everything is gone again so out of 3 tents 3 bugged. DAH FAQ. Anyway we did still wanted to play this game and the next day made a camp again but this time we hit some GREAT i mean great lewts, so we planted 5 tents this time spread all the weaponry out in these 5 tents and saved them and all that jazz. Log on the next day and everything was not there? like ok what the? did that..what dah faq! ive read a couple of forums about tents and now is there a certain little trick that people do for tents or is it purely random if it saves or not cause this has really broken our spirits with this game, and i do know its a game in the alpha state but i know alot of people have tents out there and work well, so are we doing something wrong? cause we all love this game and want to keep playiing it, so if you know any info could you pls tell me! :) ( sorry if it has bad grammar and spelling its 1am and im very tired.)
  4. today i killed a guy in the tower of the airfield, killed him once looted him, then he re spawned killed him again, looted him again all the same gear and that, then straight after that i ran out as i was running he spawned again and killed me. Is it possible to bug your death or anything like that?