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Everything posted by snail123

  1. Because I'm thinking you had to have seen this little movie made in 2008.
  2. There are types within the zombie apoc genre...and the similarities between types for this and dayz are striking. Fast zombies, "infected" not "zombies", miltary gear, sd sniper bandit guy...certainly the look of things in general. That could certainly be Chenarus. As opposed to, say...Atlanta from Walking Dead or London from 28 days later. If it wasn't from 2008, you'd not be blamed for thinking "this guy made a dayz movie".
  3. Shouldn't you hardcore weenies be making this happen on your own? You want it to be tough, form a group and make sure no one but a large group can operate there. I mean, isn't that what you tell people when they wonder how to deal with bandits? Now, if you think this through a bit, you'll see why you can't cover all the bases all the time to effectively police things to enforce your wants, and you'll maybe understand why that works both ways. Then again, that'd require logic and critical thinking skills and all that...and like that's gonna happen. Pfeh.
  4. It's true: Ancient men were completely unable to survive or make fire before the invention of matches.
  5. snail123

    Have you seen these people?

    Obviously made up. Falls apart at the "Ohh...um...uh...they took my guns out of my pack..." bit. Just fer crying out loud present it as what it is: The imaginings of your own sick little mind. Trust me, this community, they'll appreciate it as is.
  6. snail123

    Pending Hotfix: Build

    I already suggested dinosaurs :P
  7. snail123

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    3DP is being removed anyway' date=' so this bug will resolve itself. [/quote'] There's a reason why 1st person only servers are not full all the time: preference. People like 3rd person view and so they try to join (even veteran) servers with this feature enabled. If people like it, there is no reason to remove it. inb4 thees is a harcore gamez not for CoD noobz, etc, etc, bullshit. People play 3DP because its safer and theyre far too attached to their items. No one has ever given any other reason why they play in 3DP other than "I can see around corners and over walls" Remove 3DP. People play in 3rd person because running around in 1st person makes them motion sick. And turning off head bob or changing the fov does NOT fix this problem for them. If you don't experience this problem, good for you. Don't waste your time trying to explain to those of us who do, why we really don't.
  8. snail123

    1.7.1 and some of the community

    The community is pretty well defined. The same bunch of kids who flock to every "pvp full loot sandbox game!!!" out there. Bolstered by a dev/mod team who happily troll people on thier own forums, further degrading them into a cesspool. "But I work so hard!" is not an excuse. Lots of people work hard. It's probably a bit too much at this point to expect a bit more professionalism on the part of the devs/mods, and a little more maturity on the part of the fanbois. It's certainly no wonder that they attract the attention of the sort of folks who grief and hack for the lolz. They practically beg those sort of people to come here. Kindred spirits. Ahh well. My opinion. YMMV. Enjoy.
  9. snail123

    Humanity mechanic

    This probably got lost in the other thread, so reposting here. So if... Everyone surviving has within them the potential to be/retain thier humanity...or surrender thier humanity and become something...else. Like you know...a frigging zombie So...as you lose humanity...there's an actual penalty for being a rat bastard. You slowly lose effectiveness as a survivor because you can't eat/drink as well...you get the shakes and your aim is harder. It becomes harder to see and hear. You progress from a functional survivor to being one of the zombies. With the abilities and limitations of same. It takes will to be human in the zombie apocalypse. Cuz zombie is a disease, and it's catching. Do bad things and lose humanity. Do good things and regain humanity...just the way it works now. I'm *positive* the rat bastards out there will hate this idea. But it sure seems like the natural way to make killing others have consequences. It's not a new idea. But it's new here. And it's one that fits.
  10. snail123

    Humanity mechanic

    Similar isn't the same. His just made you ineffective. I'm talking...you become a zombie. Then you can go form your roaming band of bandi...errr..zombies...and kill to your heart's content.
  11. So if... Everyone surviving has within them the potential to be/retain thier humanity...or surrender thier humanity and become something...else. Like you know...a frigging zombie :P So...as you lose humanity...there's an actual penalty for being a rat bastard. You slowly lose effectiveness as a survivor because you can't eat/drink as well...you get the shakes and your aim is harder. It becomes harder to see and hear. You progress from a functional survivor to being one of the zombies. With the abilities and limitations of same. It takes will to be human in the zombie apocalypse. Cuz zombie is a disease, and it's catching. Do bad things and lose humanity. Do good things and regain humanity...just the way it works now. I'm *positive* the rat bastards out there will hate this idea. But it sure seems like the natural way to make killing others have consequences. It's not a new idea. But it's new here. And it's one that fits.