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Ovary Exploder

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10 Neutral

About Ovary Exploder

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Contact Methods

  • Skype
    Seradas Slaye

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Alabama, USA
  • Interests
    Anything thats sharp and dangerous
  1. Hello my mates, recently, my dayz friends have been switching to other games. So we need new permanents, or semi-permanents. We don't have any requirements, but experience is helpful. If you are interested, here's my steam and skype burn_the_earth (steam) chickenygoodness (skype) Please and thank you
  2. Me and some friends want to play a large group of Dayz. All that is required is a mic and basic knowledge of the game, no prior gear.
  3. Ovary Exploder

    ]ISC[ International Survivor Colony RECRUITING!!

    This is already a clan :\ It's on steam Dayz International Survivors Colony
  4. Ovary Exploder

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Sorry, pc lagged and sent the same post
  5. Ovary Exploder

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you wouldnt mind could you send someone to help me please? I'm in need of medical assistance pretty badly broke my legs and I'm low on blood http://steamcommunity.com/id/Seradas/
  6. Ovary Exploder

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    If you wouldnt mind could you send someone to help me please? I'm in need of medical assistance pretty badly broke my legs and I'm low on blood http://steamcommunity.com/id/Seradas/
  7. Thank you for the L85A2 AWS, M4A1 HOLO, MK 48 Mod 0, Coyote backpack, Satchel Charges, and the satisfaction of blowing up whatever i couldn't carry with the RGO grenade and Satchel charge.
  8. Ovary Exploder

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    We kill anyone who isn't unarmed, or part of our group and 3 of us have hero skins makes perfect sense Also if you want in the group you NEED to add me on steam, I'll give you the TS3 server info and invite you to the steam group
  9. Ovary Exploder

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Ok, We have decided, if you want to play tonight add me on steam but I will stop accepting friend requests FOR THAT DAY, after 4 PM CST (Central US Standard Time, Look at a map) We now have several extreme items including but not limited to: L86 AWS FN FAL (we have an as50 but Slayten called dibs) 3 AKMs 1 M4 SD 1 M4 CCO maps compasses http://steamcommunity.com/id/Seradas/ (add me and message me for TS3 server info)
  10. Ovary Exploder

    Karma's a B*tch

    I rustled his jimmies I rustled them good...
  11. Ovary Exploder

    Karma's a B*tch

    I had just spawn at cherno (lucky me!) and went to the fire station. On the way i saw a guy in a bandits mask yelling friendly and he followed me into the fire station He tryed to rob me in the and he was attacked by some Zeds while he turned around i went up the tower and found an axe, and promptly went down stairs and hit him with it, i broke his legs and caused him to bleed out but to little avail, he shot me down with an AK Well, i spawned again in Elecktro, and found a M1911 and some mags and went to Cherno to stock up About 4 mins after i spawn i see that he died guess what.. he spawned 200 meters in front of me, and as we sat there, eye to eye I shot him in the knees and broke his legs. then one to the head to finish off a glorious victory Havent Died since, now i have a ghillie suit and some other stuff
  12. Ovary Exploder

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    I'll add those of you who want to party up later today on steam When were all ready were raiding the airfield like a pack of hungry survivors Dibs on any m107
  13. Ovary Exploder

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    We managed to get an M107 and an M249 SAW but me and my infinite wisedom dropped both while trying to put them in my backpack and they despawn
  14. Ovary Exploder

    New Survivor Group- Now recruiting

    Steam : Seradas In-game: Scootaloo Approx. Hours: 29 Specialty/ Skills: If i could get my hands on a sniper, i'd be great at that, but til then, I'm a scout/looter, have AKM
  15. I started DayZ a couple of days ago and died plenty of times, now I'm looking for someone to hang out with that i know has my back. I'm next to the shore in Balota, if you would like to hang out come on down to Balota. And if you can, please bring something to drink, my meter is red and im about to die of thurst. Steam: burn_the_earth Skype: chickenygoodness