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About Slapshot

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Slapshot

    Taking a break from Day Z

    I'm not one for puns, but I guess whatever floats your boat.
  2. Slapshot

    [FREEWARE] DayZ Install Tool v1.61

    Thanks for making the updater Worrom, it is really helpful. I have encountered a problem with this newest DayZ update, though. When it gets done downloading the updates, it proceeds to say it is extracting each file, but it never does. It just keeps saying "Extracting files from: yadayada..." What should I do? EDIT: Never mind... I need to read better...... downloaded the updated Updater, and now it works fine. Sorry!
  3. Slapshot

    Introduce yourselves

    Well hello there! You can call me Slapshot. I'm new to both ArmA II and DayZ, but I think I've caught on quickly. So far this mod is awesome! Can't wait to see how far it can go.