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Average (DayZ)

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About Average (DayZ)

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    On the Coast
  1. Average (DayZ)

    Panic System, some changes

    I like the panic system, it makes sense. If I got put face to face with a zombie (or multiple zombies) on an unknown island with nothing but a pistol, I'm pretty sure I would hyperventilate among other things. However, after living for 7 days and killing hundreds of zombies, I realized something. I panicked the exact same way when facing 3 zombies with an M4A3 at Vybor as I did when facing 10 zombies with a makarov in Kamenka. I imagine as you adapt to the situation, you would panic less and less when you encounter zombies. I don't see how somebody who has killed hundreds of the things would still be so afraid when he encounters a few compared to a somebody who has never seen one. While I don't think there should be some arbitrary number that we grind for to make the panicking mechanic go away (kill 50 zombies, no more hyperventilating), but possibly make it go away after 2-3 days of survival or just a random number of zombies (something like 75-125 killed, different each life). Also it could be kind of an incremental panic. Even though you might have already killed 100+ zombies, when you aggro a horde of 20+, you are still probably gonna lose it. But when you run into 2 or 3, it's no big deal. When a new player runs into 20+, he completely loses it and suffers shakes and even worse symptoms. Don't know if you could make it loot triggered (you are probably a lot less likely to panic if you have an assault rifle or some military weapon vs a makarov with low ammo), but that would be great as well. It's an interesting mechanic and I know it's still in it's early stages, but I'd like to see it fleshed out more instead of just being an on or off thing.
  2. Average (DayZ)

    upgraded to, auto kicking.

    I'm having the exact same problem, I have no idea why either. Tried everything with battleye, but nothing has fixed it. Any ideas what is causing this?
  3. Average (DayZ)

    The One, The Only: I HATE TEMP THREAD

    It honestly hasn't bothered me too much. Obviously it's still in it's very early stages and will be fleshed out more as the alpha continues, but as of now, it's a pretty minor feature that I've been able to ignore in the 5-6 hours that I've played since the patch.
  4. Average (DayZ)

    Disconnecting while underfire bannable?

    I was moving near Zelenogorsk the other day and I saw a bandit kill a survivor about 500 meters away, but I only had my makarov, so I started sprinting towards the area (along with all the zombies that were following his Enfield shot) and I got 3 bullets into him when he dc'd. I say something like 15 seconds would be completely reasonable to prevent crap like happening this. Otherwise I could just snipe somebody with a CZ in the middle of a zombie infested town with no penalty.
  5. Average (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    A lot of people get bandit skins from self defense. Including myself. I was walking north of Electro and there was a bandit and his two survivor buddies who opened fired on my friend and I. We dropped immediately and counter fired on them, killed them both along with the bandit. I got turned into a bandit. Then every single time afterwards that I found a survivor, I was shot on sight so of course, I had to kill the guy before he killed me. I would never kill anybody if they didn't know where I was. But regaining humanity was way too difficulty since nobody would let me near them or transfuse them. I'm glad for this system. Now I can probably coop with people and at least if somebody kills me now, it's not because I have some shitty skin that I didn't deserve to get.
  6. Average (DayZ)

    Bandit/Survivor Morphing to be removed

    I'm just glad I'll hopefully no longer instantly be killed on sight. Until there is a method of finding out whether or not a player murdered in self defense, the bandit system doesn't work.