I'm MeowsCat and I have played Dayz for about 3 dayz (See what I did there?) And have died plenty of times. Mostly from players who I trusted (I dont trust anyone I'm not teamspeaking or skypeing with anymore.) I just died because of my firned (Story.)Me and him were going to the northwest airfields to meet with his friend. After saveing him multiple times and being his guardian angel we get there and after about 20 minutes of searching were all loaded, Being a completley veteran arma 2 sniper I insisted on takeing the sniper because my friend had never actually hit a target let alone moving targets in arma 2. He almost kills us twice. And after getting desperate as I need blood we go to the barracks in search of items and blood packs. This is where things go hay wire My friends out of ammo and hes being a complete douchebag. I close a door and for some reason his leg get broken and hes bleeding I quickly give him my morphine and alst bloodpack for transfusion when he truns around and opens fire with a pistol I instantly react and fire about 5 rounds of akm ammo into his head he dies before killing me. His friend on teamspeak knows what happened but has nothing to help so I bleed out. Thats why I look for a trust worthy group now after takeing lots of information from random sources and my own experience. If you want to team up or invite me to a group contact me on skype or reply Skype: the.meowscat Steam: SuicideCat (Also on a side note I'm a mature kid so I do get hated on for a higher pitched voice so if your going to add me or invite me keep that in mind)