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Space Yacht

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About Space Yacht

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Space Yacht

    Axe ammo?

    you just press r and reload it.
  2. Space Yacht

    Looking for fun players

    I'm pretty new but I'd be up to starting a group, i have a mic and plan on playing all the time, been looking for a game like this forever. My steam name is "space yacht" if you want to contact me through there. I'm 20 years old, and i live in texas.
  3. Im from texas and ive been playing for a few days alone and was looking for people to play with. I have a mic and teampseak3, and i can just download vent or skype or whatever else if i need to. My steam name is "spaceyacht"
  4. Space Yacht

    Recruiting more survivors!

    I'm willing to join. I'm 20, im in texas, im pretty new to the game but ive read a bunch of guides and stuff, and am generally a very fast learner when it comes to video games. I'd be willing to help in whatever way i can. I have a mic and my steam account is spaceyacht if you need to contact me.