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Posts posted by msadler

  1. as many of the suggestions here say: go to low pop servers to get geared up. plus its fun to wander around alone and see all the great easter eggs hidden all over the map. you dont have to worry about other people while you look for stuff.

    I wouldnt mind helping you out at all. steam and in game name is same as here

    Haha you seem very nice face value, I bet you my beans that if we meet up you will take me out (shoot me) like all the others have in this similar

    event loll.

    Ill look you up anyways and we can hang.

    Thank you that was very nice of you!

    • Like 1

  2. I told you that they only spawn sometimes on MP5-Ks in the world, they don't spawn in the world. If that's not what your main question was asking then I must be 100% mistaken.


    Your second question is irrelevant because it is in the game.


    And yes, the devs are working on the 'retarded vehicles', which is 10x more important than having a single mostly aesthetic attachment for one gun be spawning everywhere it should.

    They used to spawn as an attachment at the prison island and police stations.

    No the buttstock is not important but with how boring the game has been I am searching

    for all attachments for the weapons I currently have. Again its no big deal

    I am just curious if they took that out as well so I can stop wasting my time.

    You know as well as I do that it is fun just to loot around instead of

    bringing COD into this game and PVP. Its not COD.

  3. You see, on the surface that makes perfect sense. However, while playing the game, I have at least:

    8GB free RAM

    30-40% free CPU

    80% free GPU... again, 80%


    I just can't believe it's my hardware that's at fault. It's horrible optimization by my understanding. At this stage, I feel they should have worked out these issues, alpha or no. Of course not entirely, but the game should at least be playable outside of uncivilized areas.

    There is nothing wrong with your hardware and you have a good system. I have a Asus G751 that I am currently using

    and also a G75 I used to play on. For whatever reason it is my G75 has a hard time running this game compared to my G751

    and The G75..

    GTX 670m

    CPU i7

    So its still a very good laptop and plays ANY game on max setting. well except Dayz.

    My point is Dayz needs to clean their shit up so we can all enjoy the same experiences without 

    having to buy a $3k PC to play a $15 game.

  4. Most games don't have a public and playable alpha (this is only a thing that became popular lately), so we have no idea how long alphas usually are. But I would say that it is normal to take 3-4 years to develop a game if everything is done from scratch.

    Key bindings are just not that important at this point of development.

    Yes true but a very simple fix.

    I really wished Dayz people would set aside the Vehicle and Bus development bs and fix the stuff that we all

    complain about every day..for example the Zombies. No one cares about new content and vehicles.

  5. Why would the Dev's be that dumb to have a spawn location right in the middle of high lootable area. why not

    just start everyone out with m4's and ak's etc.

    But logically I think they are going to be taking away the loot spawns on that island.

  6. tho, a lot if items are not spawning and we dont know why, i cant even use the rangefinder because batteries doesnt spawn. Ak101, M4, fruits are some of the items that are missing

    I wonder if it because they are trying to get these vehicle implemented into the game so they have to sacrifice loot in order for the game

    to run smooth. The Vehicle's are such a waste.  

  7. The MP5-K's folding stock serves next to no purpose right now because it only slightly increases your handling. AFAIK it's like the other attachment systems now where it rarely spawns on the weapon, but I think it's unique in that it still doesn't spawn in the world.

    If you already haven't realized you did not respond to answering the question. 

  8. This game won't be a "survival game" until the environment is an much of an enemy as the other players, you actually have to work to keep yourself fed and hydrated, and players actually have a reason to band together, as opposed to clusterfucking in Elektro with brooms and dresses.

    LMAO..So true. Tired of the emo 10yr olds

  9. Still to this day you people are playing Dayz like it is CoD or something. Stop worrying about "Rare Loot" and "weapons" Just play the system like it is meant to

    be played and you all wont cry so much about loosing items or being reset. :facepalm: ....Fuck not again. fyi it will never be fixed.

  10. I have done things in DayZ. Many things. Recently i have done these.


    Got naked (had my cowboy hat) & followed a black man around trying to stab him with a screwdriver while yelling ''Why did you desert the farm!''


    Cuffed a guy, got naked (so did he), started a fire, took off my clothes, started running around the guy tribal chanting and hitting him with a baseball bat.


    Cuffed a guy, took off his clothes, shot him in the d**k, fixed him up, shot him in the d**k, started crying, he d**k bleed to death. (x7) 

    Followed a man around (naked ofc) and tried to stabb him with a pickaxe yelling ''do you have some coal?''


    Followed a man around in orange clothes trying to ''fix'' his head with a hammer.


    There are many more examples but. Am i insane?


    Example of all offences: 

    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=295460987 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=295469452 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=286088189


    you are a F******g Idiot!!

    Grow the F***K up dumb kid....

    Homos like yourself ruin the game..Go play Micky Mouse adventures or something...Wow... :facepalm:

  11. Yes the melee is a problem, but I've never been killed by a zombie in one hit since the game came out

    Here's what really happened

    Zombie killed you in on hit ===== player saw you distracted

    By a zombie and sniped you

    No gunshots ======== a known sound glitch, plenty of times I've had someone right next to me shooting full auto and I hear no shots, but can hear the other guy 300m away shooting at me and vise versa

    Gear was gone = backs up my theory, they shot you and hid your body

    No loll...Nice theory though!

  12. My Character was taken out by one Zombie today.
    My character survived over three months until This weapon glitch
    happened yet another time today but this time I was taken out. I had logged in to a US server with only about 3 other players so I know it was not loaded with lag ect, once I rezzed into the server a Zombie picked me up about 100M away and took off after me??, I had time to grab my Axe but once it approached me it leaped at me and hit me then I started swinging hits to it but my hits never connected???? so it wasn't taking any damage at all (My Axe was Pristine even) and he connected twice more and was doing double hits with one swing at me and took me down and killed me....
    I totally got cheated due to this glitch issue and I was fully loaded with Pristine everything!
    I have been playing Dayz mod and standalone since day one and this shit is getting old. Its a big waste of my time to build a character and to survive that long for it to end like that. This Shit needs to be fixed. You all keep adding knew shit in the game but these common bugs are never fixed..Doesn't make sense. I even re-spawned on the NE side once again and ran back to get my gear and of course it was gone. Please fix that issue also so we have a chance to get our gear back or fix the spawn locations when this kind of bullshit happens. This is a decent game and I would hate to see it fall through the cracks due to this retarded scripting error/bugs that you all cant seem to figure out. You all made tons of money thanks to us so now its your turn to use that cash where it counts and fix these bugs.

  13. If there is a number of you experiencing this please make place a report in the feedback tracker http://feedback.dayzgame.com/my_view_page.php including screenshots and or video attachments with as much information as possible.  Once you have completed the report please post the ID number i.e. 0011246 in this thread for others who are having the same issue to locate and upvote it on the tracker.


    Best Regards,



    Okay thank you I will.
