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About tbails88

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. tbails88

    what to do???

    That moment when you get the perfect collection of gear and you don't want to do anything because you are paranoid you'll lose it :/
  2. Whilst running to meet up with my friend I saw a kid protecting a van in an open field. After blowing his head off with my AS50 I had a very paranoid feeling. So i sat and camped his body while i waited for my friend who, and i'm not proud of this, i used him as bait telling him i found a van and to meet me there. upon his arrival he came under immediate fire and was killed however i did kill the kid who had been hiding on the other end of the field. great loot thanks.
  3. I just broke a leg in stary sobor i'll be on us 1662 crawling my way to the supermarket. i will trade a weapon for a morphine injector.
  4. I'm always out there to help people especially with tons of new players joining every day, but everyone i've met in this game that hasn't just spawned is out to kill others. So basically I'm going rambo on everyones ass if i see you "they drew first blood"
  5. to whomever tried to kill me, with a makarov, in the elektro supermarket after i called out friendly i hope you feel like an idiot after that shotgun blast ripped your face off