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About dcbird92

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. dcbird92

    [ZH] Zombie Hords is Recruiting

    N game name: Burly Steam Name: dcbird92 Age: 20 Time Zone: GMT-8 Mic: Turtle beach How long have you been playing: 1 month Your preferred role and/or weapon: Auto rifle Humanity: 0
  2. dcbird92

    Team of 6 looking for more players!

    1) How old are you? 20 2) What time are you usually on? (time zone) GMT, 3) What is your preferred roll to play on the team? such as a sniper/CQC/looter/spotter, anything really 4) What is the preferred wep you like to use? rifles 5) What is your current wep you are using? ak47 6) Why should we choose you? mature, friendly and smart with the gameplay skype is scoobies001
  3. dcbird92

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Friend and I need medical assistance on the powerplant in elektro, I have a broken leg and low on blood and he is low on blood. Any help would be nice Steam is http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058827261
  4. dcbird92

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Is anyone near elektro and can help?
  5. dcbird92

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fribox came and helped me with a blood transfusion, he can be trusted. Thanks again Fribox!
  6. dcbird92

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Hey, So im currently on the roof of an apartment on the outedge of cherno with less then 3k blood and constantly passing out and blurry vision could use some help like a blood bag or something:) Steam Id:http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198058827261
  7. Im currently in cherno and need some help i got attacked and am on a roof with less then 3k blood and constantly passing out and blurry vision, on server us 607
  8. Ive gone through a couple of lives and always died to other players so wouldnt mind playing with others Steam-dcbird92
  9. Ingame Name: Scoobies Age: 20 Timezone: GMT -7 Do you have Teamspeak: yes Do you have a microphone: yes How long have you been playing Dayz: got it yesterday, got some good loot then got killed by other survivors so looking for people to play with