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Everything posted by crybllrd

  1. I used to be able to connect to my favorite server, DayZ Depredation ( with no problems. Up until last week, I get Wait for Host. I verified file integrity for all 3 games thru Steam. Uninstalled/Re-Installed all of them, tried Dayz Commander and Six Updater. When I try to connect via Remote IP no server comes up. I have tried Remote with another favorite server and there is no problem. Server is up and running. What else can I try?
  2. Also, why isn't the server in the list in Arma 2 Multiplayer? Everyone else can see it but me. And I see any other server I set out to find, just not this one.
  3. Yes, it is up and running with 12 people playing on it as we speak. Also I asked for help on the server's forum, and they said I am the only one with this problem.
  4. DayZ mod is loaded, I see it in the opening screen. My game is steam and I haven't got DayZ working yet. I launched Arma 2 and the expansions previously to make registry entries, etc. Steam and ArmA are run as administrator, and I have disabled firewall while troubleshooting. Updated to beta patch (current is 95417), dayz is up to date via six launcher. However, on the opening screen it shows 1.62.95248. When I updated to recent beta I replaced ArmAOA.exe from the expansions folder to the Arma 2 operation arrowhead root folder. What should I try next? UPDATE: I restarted my computer and now Arma 2 OA is showing the correct version (95417). Still getting the yellow question marks on all of the servers. The particular server I want to join shows it needs, which I have both., Still a yellow question mark though, as all the others. When I double click a server I am immediately sent back to the server screen with the message "you cannot play/edit this mission..."
  5. crybllrd

    All servers have yellow question mark

    I deleted @DayZ folder and re-installed it with DayZ Commander, all works well now. Thanks for the help!
  6. crybllrd

    All servers have yellow question mark

    I manually re installed the DayZ files from the official torrent and still have the same problem. My launch path is "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\ArmA2OA.exe" -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -mod=@Dayz Any other ideas?