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Everything posted by Ketelnuts

  1. So my clan and I play on a server, US 957. We were playing last night and I had to go afk for an hour so i disconnected to the lobby. When i came back there was a message on my screen saying i have been banned. I try to reconnect, still banned. I can get on all other servers but not 957. I contacted one of the admins we played with and asked him what's going on, he said he'd check the ban files. He didn't see me in there, so he deleted everything in the ban files. Still banned. I'm not in the ban files and never was really banned, but it says i was and doesn't let me on. He tried banning me and unbanning me, still doesn't work. At this point we're stumped on what could possibly be going on. Please help. Thanks.
  2. So my clan and I play on a server, US 957. We were playing last night and I had to go afk for an hour so i disconnected to the lobby. When i came back there was a message on my screen saying i have been banned. I try to reconnect, still banned. I can get on all other servers but not 957. I contacted one of the admins we played with and asked him what's going on, he said he'd check the ban files. He didn't see me in there, so he deleted everything in the ban files. Still banned. I'm not in the ban files and never was really banned, but it says i was and doesn't let me on. He tried banning me and unbanning me, still doesn't work. At this point we're stumped on what could possibly be going on. Please help. Thanks.
  3. Ketelnuts

    Please help, we don't know what to do

    you didnt read the whole thing, i was never banned, the admin even deleted everyone off the ban list. the problem is we dont know how or why it wont let me in. And the ban message just says "You were banned."