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About sneakypayload

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    On the Coast
  1. The guys at this server condone cheating on public hives, they had a helibus, and when i said it was ridiculous the so called admin there, Breathing Hate, basically said he was banning me. This is supposed to be a public hive server, but the groups on here condone cheating, and are ruining the game. Incident happened at 10:55 pm to 11:05 pm CST
  2. sneakypayload

    Cheater on US 820

    Server US 820 IP Guy with godmode (Playername Frank) Time was 1210 in the afternoon, Central Time US Cheater named Frank on US 820. Myself and a couple other were sniping in Elektro (I know, a dick thing to do.) Frank walked up to my two friends, killed them, then I saw him. I shot him 2-3 times with an M24 (Saw blood splatter) then emptied two mags of M9 SD into him. He then shot me once, and "asked if I was done". I said screw it, and left. He was fine, not a scratch, and not down. I was effed up. Thanks in advance.
  3. Maybe if the team looks at the timestamps, and server logs, they would see what happened. thats the proof, you trolling assclown.
  4. Yea, this is a little ridiculous. Turning people into zombies. here is a screenshot of the players in the server. It could Possibly be Zeaxe, A lot of peopel died but him.