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Everything posted by Nick_Hextasy

  1. Nick_Hextasy

    {PAF} Recruiting!

    How many members are in the clan?
  2. Nick_Hextasy

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    I added u on skype
  3. Iv heard that some people cant talk with their mics but i seem to be the only one. When I talk on Direct Chat no one can hear me but my icon pops up. Iv messed with the settings for it but it doesn't pick up sound. HELP!
  4. Nick_Hextasy

    Head Set not working for DayZ

    I could be my keyboard because i have a Logitech G510 and i have the headset plunged into that instead of in the back where me speakers are in (all voice communication goes into my keyboard and game sound out speakers)
  5. Nick_Hextasy

    Head Set not working for DayZ

    It works for everything else but not ARMA2 DayZ Direct Chat
  6. Nick_Hextasy

    -TFBR- [Recruiting]

    Age: 17 Name: Nick Nationality: American / West Coast Experience: Been playing for a month and i know the map extremely well, having a dual screen with the map from Dayzdb.com on it helps a lot. ;D Role: Assault / Scouting / Spotting. I know how to snipe well if needed. I have some family members who are interested in the clan and another friend of ours!