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Posts posted by duufus

  1. I ping to games in 6 updater / dayz commander / in game browser normally (US 30ms-80ms) but more often than not, when I join any server my latency shoots up to 600-1000 ms in the lobby. once i load into the game I can barely move I am lagging so bad. Sometimes DayZ does run normally though, although it seems totally random when it wants to lag or not. Any Suggestions? It's like I am losing packets somehwere.

  2. Ok so this lag issue isn't constant. I can't figure out when/why it happens though, but i do know that one hour it will work, then a few hours later when i go try and play again or in a different server it will be super laggy (again 500-900 ms).

    windows 7 64bit

    intel i7 q 720 @ 1.6 ghz

    6gb ram

    ati radeon 5890 hd

    although i know it's not the best, but it should run this game fairly decent....... like it has on several occasions beforehand.

  3. So I have been playing DayZ for a week or so, without any problems (other than typical glitches etc. etc.) But now when i join any server my lag is completely awful. Through Six Updater, DayZ Commander, and even the in game server browser all server pings are normal. But when I join the game I lag so bad I can't do anything. So I disconnect and look at my ping in the lobby of the server and it's from 600-1000 ms. This didn't happen before, and the game runs fine graphically.

    Iv'e done everything from changing video settings to reinstalling the whole game from Arma 2 on. Reinstalling did fix it for a day or so, then it has went back to this. Any help would be appreciated.
