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Posts posted by xanhilationx

  1. that whats i do too, im taking what i need, then im hiding their bodies for not when people will pass here, take theirs stuff and im not lucky, they were just bad, thinking shooting on the top of elektro without being backstabbed, always watch your back, there might be some ghosting kid on the hills switching servers for try to find some people in here, saw many dude doing that, but in the end ive killed them

  2. there are action in cherno or elektro but the problems since, there are hackers giving all the high end loots to everyone, everyone just go on top building or the hills of elektro and snipe people there where everyone is, last time when i went to elektro hills ive spotted 4 enemies with ghillies and snipe, killed the 4 of them and at cherno usualy people sit at the top of cherno hotel or go on the highest tower near the fire station

  3. In Game Name: XanhilationX

    Location: Quebec/Canada

    Experience (Days/months):ive been played dayz for like 1-2 weeks


    When Available: mostly all time

    Time Available: from 8 am to until i get tired

    Time Zone: UTC-5h

    Weapon preference: sniper guns like m107 or as50

    Any additional information: well, i want to play with a clan to have fun, because playing solo sometime is boring since you always playing safety.

  4. i was playing on ca1 having funs with others was playing with a guy named in your clan[zic] xin something i dont very remember his name he take me in cherno with his atv and take me to nw airfield we having fun around to find me a wepons and he take me back to cherno after like 5 minutes i decided its was late since its was 5 am so i went to bed, after i wake up when i wanted to play on the server it say's i was banned for hacking/cheating for no reason when i did nothing
