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About Shadownick1

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  1. Shadownick1

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    True, I play dayz alot and pretty sure we all do but your character and location is stored on the hive for a reason. Now lets say Im banned from a server where Im all the way up at the NWAF. I have to now walk all the way back up. Now lets say the server shuts down while Im going to the airfield. Now I have to do it again for the 3rd time. This game won't be fun if this is an actual feature in the game. EDIT: Im pretty sure this is a bug because my friends aren't having this problem and its only me spawning back at the coast with all my gear.
  2. Shadownick1

    (Rocket) Why are we logging in on the coast

    This ruins the hole game if its an actual feature.
  3. Shadownick1


    My humanity is -396000. Im pretty sure that its bad :).
  4. Shadownick1

    Is it Bannable off a Server?

    Thank you for your responses.
  5. Shadownick1

    Is it Bannable off a Server?

    No my question is will I be banned off the server I found it legitimately.
  6. I found a SUV in the middle of Zelenogrosk with no items in it so I decided to drive it. The question is, Is it a bannable offense on the server if you find the car and drive it?
  7. Shadownick1

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    I would really like the real reason for the ban. Not just some made up crock of shit reason for the ban. For tking in dayz. What bullshit is that, especially after you died for losing a V3S Civilian.
  8. Shadownick1

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    Still excessive tking isnt a reason to ban someone or a group of people especially for their vehicles, or even because they were killed.
  9. If it was a random server that you just joined, find another. Abusive admins dont want players like you because most likely you're gonna get in his way because hes probably locking the server to raid Northwest Airfield.
  10. Shadownick1

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    Me too the amount of abuse is unbelievable. Just the shear fact now we just got banned for having a helipcopter on another server that we broke our asses for hours.
  11. Happened to me and my offroad truck despawned full of FAL and Bizon mags.
  12. Shadownick1

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    Ya now he has our GAZ, bus, and also our pickup truck. We already did find a new server with a UAZ. Also we posted a server report just hasnt been approved.
  13. Shadownick1

    Are AS50's worth anything anymore?

    What about the random stranger in resident evil 4 was he just a image of my imagination.
  14. Shadownick1

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    It turned out our whole clan was banned...
  15. Shadownick1

    Ban Appeal for US 1507: tking

    -snip- double post.