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About Put1n

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  1. looks interesting, gonna go ahead and jump from vilayer to you guys
  2. No problem with NVG rocket needs to try to see what he can do about duping with backpacks/clothing/tents/cars/quick log out dupes and do a full clean of all servers. THEN, you will see people running around with makarovs and low tier weapons trying to find the good shit
  3. Put1n

    Soldier Clothing, placed in our camp...

    Ignore the dumbasses who don't know anything above me It is 100% legit and has been confirmed by many people; I have found 3 at heli crash sites now Gotta use search function bro
  4. Since DayZ is currently broken and/or has become lame due to lack of end game content for those with duped gear etc... When the server starts you can go into server panel and select a different game mode instead of dayz I have been running usa vs chernorus battle and its very fun; have 5 friends on each side and bunch of AI. Buy tanks, helis, jets and guns; attack bases and get more resources for more reinforcements
  5. Can you be normal and use the default coloring? Your are like that "Monster" kid who keeps spamming with pink
  6. nvm, lol this thread so funny and TG now looks like a group of 10 year olds with a 50 year old running the show herp derp
  7. Why is the server down noobs
  8. 2gb card, i get the tearing of texture wrap points much less than others When it happens: 1) open the map (do not need to have one on you) 2) alt tab 3) get back into gave 4) it will load and say receiving 5) gl hf
  9. Likely to work since the problem is that textures do not properly load for military models and fill up your vram quickly. I have a 2gb card so I can go over military bases but cherno... different story
  10. You just made yourself look like a disabled, dyslexic, down syndrome retard. If you are 10 and your mom bought your pc from costco please do not insult members of the community. ddr2 lasted.... fucking ages, 3 pc builds for me ddr3, its been 5 years now and 2 pc builds for me ssds are garbage atm and even 1gb per dollar is still very expensive; i would give it a year to half the price
  11. I did that with sc2 once, after about 2 hours it shutdown from overheating :(
  12. Put1n

    Police Car....

    Did you seriously just question if it's legit or not? Brain-cell capacity: -1,000,000,000
  13. Put1n

    I have never experienced a Hacker...

    Same, but I never play on full servers which attract hackers 0 hackers in 175 hours
  14. Put1n

    Probably my 5th hacker thread

    Are you 10? I've been sitting on the forum for the last 30min and all ive seen from your posts has been fail bean whoring