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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. We welcome all to come and have a go on the current #1 ranked server in the world... - 40 slots - Active Admins - 24/7 daytime http://www.global-gaming.co.uk/ for more info, help and guides.
  2. yh i wouldnt mind playing on my own server though... bearing in mind how expensive they are..
  3. Me too, anyone fixed this yet?, the respawn button is grey'd out. so cannot press...
  4. Hello, I am the admin for [GLOBALGAMING], This has happend 6 or 7 times in 3 weeks, the server has only been online for that long. This has nothing to do with me or any other admins, this is a player on the server that hacks, there has also been alot of people telling me there are invisible players on our server too. And i have had 3 different people picking your name up MUCMUK to be invisible. Unfortunatly battle eye is not doing what its intended to do, and without proof i cant do anything about it, Im doing my best by keeping them out, there have been 2 sightings of tanks on the server also, and i have kicked the drivers off and ditched both tanks into the sea.
  5. www.global-gaming.co.uk, are recruting DayZ players, if you wanna check them out guys
  6. We have 6 or 7 members that play DayZ on a regular basis, If anyones intrested www.global-gaming.co.uk are looking for more [FRIENDLY] Guys/Girls Check them out.
  7. Im having the same problem wont let me refuel the atv :(
  8. Downloaded the patch (update nicely) yesterday All good happy with that, althought the new inventrys got me killed a few times, me and a friend button bashed as per normal to get on a server, we got on UK (SAS) i think it was as soon as we got on, there waz a helli above my head aswell as 2 jets flying around, Quick question anyone else seen a jet before?, there was everything you could dream of having we seen in a space of about 5 minuites. Was this a Hack?