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About Triforce711

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    On the Coast
  1. Hey everyone, I have a group of friend that have become tired of not having an Overpoch server which meets our standards. We decided to create our own server with the thought of others. I made a survey using the Qualtrics website with some questions that will help us decide how the server will be customized. The DayZ Mod server is still under construction but once we gain the right amount of information, it will be up and running. Anything that you would like to contribute that is not in the poll, just post in the comment section. Here is the survey for our server
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tW3CxiWNoHE Server US 1966. He attacked us but was a failure, so we killed him. Went to go loot his body and we saw he had a hacked in assualt rifle and pistol. After we killed him he tped back to us and we killed him again.