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Everything posted by Bloodlike

  1. Bloodlike

    I lol'd, then i cried a bit..

    Completely true. Nighttime, Veteran server, guy runs by the bush I'm hidding behind, I watch him go behind me, jump up quickly and fire a few shots from my M9 SD (cause I can't roll M24 and NVG), apperantly I didn't exactly kill him. I quickly run behind a tree, he saw me, he's onto me, we play a bit of a cat and mouse game, my adrenaline kicks in, thoughts of pussying out (Alt+F4 like a loser) come, since I just got my M24 and didn't want to lose it. But I decided fuck it, let's do what we can do. Sucker jumps down to prone position, waiting for me to jump to the side of the tree so he can shoot. I've seen that before so I just bend to the side, and quickly pop a few M9 SD rounds into his body and then pussy back behind the tree. Turns out I scored another holy headshot. Went to loot him, he had L82 or whatever, the gun with Termal, he had GPS and a lot of other valuable stuff I quickly stored in my backpack. A friend of mine was gonna be happy as well. And then... Session Lost. Oh well, shit happens. Even when you're on top of the world. But what's important is that life goes on and you didn't take a shot to the head... yet.
  2. Bloodlike

    Green Mt.

    Werewolves and vampires? Haha, that's ridiculous. That's just children's fairy tales. What lies there is far, far worst...
  3. Bloodlike

    Green Mt.

    Can't people just leave that place alone? It's nothing but bad trouble going there. You really shouldn't be going there. I know I wouldn't. Not now, not ever.
  4. Bloodlike

    Future Bandit

    Be a man, grab a weapon that isn't instant kill to the toe of the enemy. Plus you won't attract every single zombie in half a kilometer radius that way. Other then that, ye, the first kill feels awesome. The first kill that you pulled under odds against you feels even better. It's good thrill when you know that your target also knows you're there.
  5. Bloodlike

    is the m4a1 camo sd worth the risk?

    Killed a guy wielding it using my Makarov. Used it a bit, didn't exactly feel that great as it didn't really sport good long range capabilities. Found another one later on on a ghilli corpse, picked it up to realise it had no ammo so I switched to AKS-74 Kobra. To be honest I don't really want it either. I'm fine as it is with just M24 and M9 SD. Personally, I'd say looting tents and killing off people is a better and safer way to find it. Good luck.
  6. Alright. My guys kinda agree'd we can use another person. Just pick a location of your choice and we'll meet sometime. Just make sure it's night time so others won't see us. Oh and hold a Road Flare in your hand so we can know it's you.
  7. Bloodlike

    My nub story time

    Sounds like you had some good fun there!
  8. Bloodlike

    oh so tempting

    I never met a really obvious hacker. I guess I'm just lucky with picking my server?
  9. Bloodlike

    What gear do you rock?

    M4A1 Camo SD - stolen off that bandit that tried to shoot me from behind while I was running into a barn. Shame he ate a Makarov round to the head and died. I also got an M1911, AS50, Rangefinder, Map, Compass, Knife and everything else you'd need as well as a Coyote Backpack to store it all in. My fastest gearing up ever. And all that near Elektro. I guess he was trying to score some easy kills?
  10. Bloodlike

    To all spawn killers out there!

    Shooting gearless people, because god forbid if they had a weapon they just might have a slight chance of killing you? That's pure skill indeed.
  11. Apperantly if you Alt+F4 quick enough you avoid getting sync'd that you died. I've seen that in action as we shot a few guys in a big firefight right in the head with a heavy rifle (M14) and they just disappeared and no kill was recorded. And then 5 minutes later we saw them again, alive and kicking.
  12. Bloodlike

    Best Gear youve ever gotten?

    SVD Camo x 2 M107 x 2 M4A1 CCO SD FN FAL M14 AIM 3 NVGs 3 Maps a lot of other garbage.