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Pakistan Bandit William

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About Pakistan Bandit William

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

  2. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

    Looking for a few more strong applicants and then will be reviewing all.
  3. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

  4. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

  5. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

  6. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

    Looking for exceptional applicants, post with previous game experience.
  7. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

    Still looking for exceptional players!
  8. Pakistan Bandit William

    Small squad looking for 1-2 experienced players.

    Have been playing DayZ ever since Vanilla and the original bandit skin. Heres all my information: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/145802-looking-for-a-few-exceptional-skilled-players/ PM me for further details, hope to hear from you soon. Cheers!
  9. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

  10. Pakistan Bandit William

    Looking for a few exceptional, skilled players!

  11. Are you looking for that old fun experience from DayZ Vanilla? Where one groups up with a pair of friendlies and finds trouble? Me too. I am looking for a group of players (maximum: 4) who are willing to try new content as its released, capable of succeeding up North and finding high-military loot and raiding camps, and like the hardcore-fun based gameplay. US players only and PM me for SKYPE. Details: :beans: -17 Year old DayZ player - Played from Vanilla until now - Been fully geared in every single map on DayZ - Successful sniper and marksman - Experienced plane and helicopter flyer. - Experienced shooter in the games: Counter-strike, Gears of War, CoD Series - High end raider and PvPer in World of Warcraft - Original Leader of hardcore, high-skilled, exceptional player based clan Elysium in DayZ - And much, much more. Further questions or details of my experience can be asked in a PM or on this post below. Post on here below WITH SKYPE and INFORMATION if you are looking for the same experience and looking for a strong-knitted group to join with. :)
  12. Pakistan Bandit William

    Pakistan Bandits Recruitment

    Pakistan Bandits (PB) The Pakistan Bandits (PB) Clan is a flexible, versatile, fun, and hardcore clan that involves players around the age of 16. These players in the clan currently are skillful, quick-minded, and smart. These players have been involved in the development of DayZ since Vanilla. All maps and patches have been played and all at top performance with full gear and equipment. Players involved in the clan have also played other games at top-notch performance including games such as the Call of Duty Series, Battlefield Series, MMORPGs (WoW), Gears of War Series, Counter-Strike and more. The Pakistan Bandits only choose exceptional players who can play daily or with a flexible schedule (US) we can work around and around the same age. We only choose skillful players who have experience and not the casual, clueless player you see running around in Balota or Electro. The Pakistan Bandits like to have fun and gear up to full potential and take control of the North. Currently, we now play on a high-player base private hive on a server for the OVERWATCH map. We are flexible with what maps we play and mods of the mod. Applicants need to show age, schedule, previous games played, how long one has played DayZ, and the answer to the question of why would YOU be a good member of the PB clan? Please post below.
  13. Pakistan Bandit William

    [Elysium] LF exceptional, high skilled players for Tactial Squad

    So, since I was teleported into the air with all my gear and fell to my death. I eventually got a m4 cco sd, m9 sd, all tools, m14 aim, and satchel charge(s). With 3 murders, saw two players, threw the grenade at one and shot the other one while it exploded and killed one with my m4 and the other with grenade. Silent but deadly. Easily make my way back to my gear by trading items.
  14. Pakistan Bandit William

    [Elysium] LF exceptional, high skilled players for Tactial Squad

    Recently got teleported in the air by a hacker. No gear, V3S was stolen. But, doesn't take long to gear up at all. :)