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About prowler98

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Simply looking for some of you guys to play with. I have some basic experience but haven't played in about 3 weeks... I posses a private vent server, but have the standard skype./vent/teamspeak/mumble/steam ect. 19 year old male, just by the way.
  2. prowler98


    I'll just fill this out: - Know how to follow instructions: Check! - Be trustable: Hey that's me! - Willing to share loot: You needed it more than I did anyway. - Put effort Into the group: Yup! - Have a Mic To communicate: Reading you 5x5. - Work Well With others: I would bt here otherwise! - Work Well with a partner for loot runs: See above. - NOT be trigger happy WHEN your with the group: I did used to be a cadet, not an issue! - Know how to be stealthy: See name. - Somewhat mature: Generally. I also possess a ventrilo server if you would like to use it.
  3. prowler98

    Looking for EST players

    Dew? I'm in. 19, Male, Eastern Daylight Time. Played for about a week, then reinstalled windows and fell out of it. Started playing again a couple days ago, had some good gear until being unfortunately slaughtered earlier today. I'm currently just north of Komarovo but that is most likely to change shortly. I also possess a ventrilo server if you would like to use it.