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The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to Katana67's topic in General Discussion
Wow that would be a really insightful post if you had bothered to take into account... Player made buildings Permanent player storage Vehicle storage Everything that made the mod fun Obviously the devs should hone the map to what people are doing in a less than half finished game right? -
The War on Wilderness - Reclaiming Myshkino
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to Katana67's topic in General Discussion
They really just need to add more wilderness proportional to the new cities and stuff they add. It would also be cool to have some true wilderness closer to the center of the map. It's a bit boring that the only real forests are in the north and west edges of the map. -
300 hours and you've never seen teleporters in Dayz? Do you solely play on empty servers? Since day 1 the game has had awful problems with jittering and de-sync. The patch about 2 months ago helped a lot, but player movement is still really derpy sometimes. I refuse to believe you managed to not figure this out until just now.
The mod was so much better than SA...
Same night as the thermalhackerpwn. Same three friends. Wandering shore because why not. A wild hacker appears! 12 year old voice. Duh, all hackers are 12. "DO YOU WANT TO PLAY A-" AS50's to the chest bitch. Doesn't die. Dat hacker hp. "THAT WASN'T VERY NICE" Point blanks friend in the chest with his AS50. Immediately AltF4. Don't judge, mod was a hacker free for all. Log back in. Friend is still alive, unconscious, screen full black and white, bleeding and broken legs. Pitch black night, ghetto night vision (gamma hack for plebians) useless. Manage to find friend by firing sidearms in the air and using superior echo location skills. That night I became Dr. House MD. PLANK, ADMINISTER 4700 CCS EPI, STAT "Sir, it isn't working! He's still out!" GOD DAMNIT, ADMINISTER SEVEN STEAKS WHILE PAT STOPS THE BLEEDING "His pulse is shallow, we're losing him!" MORE STEAKS MORE STEAKS MORE STEAKS He's finally stable. Unconscious timer lasts 2.5 hours. Not exaggerating, the struggle was that real. We stay by his side faithfully. Campfire so he doesn't freeze. Periodic food and water. Finally wakes up. Dyin' is a young man's game.
Me and same three friends are wandering the shore hunting hackers. Thermal AS50's and Soldier Camo in stock, trophies from past hunts. Three hours, nothing fun happening. Keep doing footstep checks because military precision is required. For the bads, we stop in unison to listen for footsteps. Checks for invisible hackers or really sneaky bushmen. Check near Mt. Olympia (or whatever normals call the mountain by the shore) reveals aberrant footsteps. Bait our wait to a clearing. Pretty sure hackers hacking their hacks and hack. Find a good spot and spread out slightly. Come to a stop. "EVERYONE DO THE FUCKING SAFETY DANCE" For the bads. Safety dance is when you rapidly shuffle Q and E to identify friendlies, cause ghillies all look the same. Go to thermals. One mystery signature not dancing. Hackers gonna hack. Four AS50s go off at once. He goes down immediately. Go to claim our spoils. Server immediately gets teleported to the thunderdome. #AltF4ableMoments
Me and three friends were flying a Huey around the shore, looking for kids to troll. See a bunch of road flares around Kamenka, surefire noob. Fly down almost directly on top of him as he's running. Ask if he wants to go on an adventure. No voip, types YEAH SURE. His name is snoopy101. I will never forget. We fly to blown up church in Kumyrna. Whole ride friend in back is reassuring him that we have a sick camp with many guns. Other friend is quietly chanting so we can just barely hear over the helicopter noise. "sacrifice... sacrifice... sacrifice..." We land in graveyard in front of church. March snoopy101 at gunpoint inside. Plan is to break his legs, bleed him out slowly, blood bag, and repeat. Get to the back of the church where the roof has caved in, we call it the Altar. "Rudebones, PREPARE THE SACRIFICE" Hatchet swings. Accidentally hit him in the head. That kid has the best story.
Is anyone else seriously concerned/sad that a console port has already been announced? To clarify. I'm not concerned because "hurr durr PC gaming master race why give game to console plebs". While it's true that the plebians do not deserve a truly enriching gaming experience such as Dayz (let's be honest, they can't truly appreciate it, that's why they're plebs), I have to question why a game that is barely functional is being ported to console. The only answer I can suss up is one of purely commercial interest. Looking at the current state of the game: Desync is still a major issue that completely breaks the experience. Example, you're holed up inside a house with a shotgun having been chased by an unfriendly player with a rifle. You can hear him searching nearby houses. The footsteps get closer and closer. You hear the downstairs door creak open. You ready your shotgun. Suddenly... he lags into the room, you both empty three magazines and after a 10 second delay one or both of you falls over dead. I think we can all relate to this situation. "End-game" is really, truly boring in comparison to the mod. In Dayz Mod, once you had a functional kit and a weapon you had some serious choices regarding what you wanted to do. You could try to find and repair a car. You could hunt for wilderness camps to steal someone elses car. You could set up a tent and fill it with guns. You could set up a tent and fill it with fried chicken. You could do what I did, fix a helicopter, fill THAT with friend chicken, land safely in Cherno, and shoot out the rotor. At one point, myself and some friends had hoarded over forty vehicles and three helicopters on a private hive, prompting hilarious posts on the hive's forums. Point being, there was always something to do where you felt like you were accomplishing something or could hoard things for future survival. Dayz SA lacks any meaningful things to do, in that you can find a gun within 10 minutes of spawning and outside of perfecting every aspect of your kit and trolling kids on the shore there is nothing fun to do. Everything is broken in it's own little way. Mod had it's quirks (ATV physics, I'm looking at you!), but they were far enough between that it didn't break the immersion until you had sunk 500 hours into the game and knew how to read every little detail. In SA, I feel like EVERYTHING I do is broken in some way. Hundreds of little bugs, like the phantom reloading/soda noise or the fact that noises in general are out of proportion and come from incorrect directions constantly. Despite every patch having notes about animation fixes, a shitload of animations are still broken. Weapons in general have hilarious spreads, like the M4 that occasionally shoots bullets at a 90 degree angle. All of this serves to break the intense immersion that the mod had perfected. Ultimately, that is likely the only reason the mod even succeeded in the first place and it's still the biggest thing missing from SA. There's also the fact that the game is one of the most poorly optimized titles on PC. Ever. My FPS tanks whenever I enter a city, and even in the country it has the occasional dip. I'm running a 4770k @ 4.8GHZ, Asus Maximus Extreme 6 board, 16gb Corsair Vengeance @ 1866, 780ti Kingpin with a hearty overclock, Lepa 1600W PSU, and Dayz is loaded on a 1/4 full Samsung EVO SSD. And I get dips, massive tanks in city environments. This is regardless of any settings I adjust, because the game is fundamentally horribly optimized. This begs the question; How in the god damn fuck is this going to run on a console? If Bohemia can't optimize their game for PC, where the engine has resided since the first Arma game, how can we expect them to suddenly make it playable on a console that has worse specs than even a low-mid range PC? This isn't a rant that the game isn't finished. I get that, it's alpha and I expect issues. I'm very excited for persistent storage and eventually vehicles, because those two things combined will add back a lot of what SA is missing over the mod. But here's the tl;dr... Why are you taking a game that is still fundamentally less than half complete and wasting time and resources porting it to consoles?
People are already playing with the AKM..
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to infiltrator's topic in General Discussion
And even with that you're still talking a fraction of the effort required to significantly increase zombie, player, and loot counts without nuking server performance. Essentially Antonio is arguing that the devs don't want to (X,Y, and Z because if it isn't zombies it would be something else bitch-worthy). There's really only two reasons a feature would not be in the game yet; they either need more time to work on it or it is a feature that have not deemed should be in the game. Considering that the list of features to be added pretty specifically includes more zombies, more players, and more loot I'm going to go ahead and say that it's the former. You can argue back and forth over "well models and shaders and jiggabytes and such" or "but I really really want zombies and not guns and since I'm the only one playing there should be more zombies", but at the end of the day they need to work on things that will make everyone happy and you need to accept that the process might take some time. tl;dr Deal with it. Guns are fun and a majority of the community wants more guns, therefore guns and not zombies. -
People are already playing with the AKM..
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to infiltrator's topic in General Discussion
Coding does give more headaches than simply modeling another item, particularly considering (with guns at least) a thousand models already exist for the thing. And please don't try to pretend that every instance of "opening up the game" is somehow the same because you know it isn't. -
People are already playing with the AKM..
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to infiltrator's topic in General Discussion
It's easy to add a new gun. It's really, really, REALLY hard to rewrite the code to allow more bodies in the world without severely effecting performance. I don't understand why this same whiny ass logic pops up in every thread about a new feature. If they didn't add any new items for two whole months to work on adding more zombies, I bet my own ass you would be right on the front lines bitching about how there aren't enough guns. You said it yourself, its in alpha. Let the developers... I don't know... develop the game? In their own way. Because that's their job. -
You have to remember that every single other player is ultimately competing for the same resources as you. To use the mod as an example, vehicles were quite rare. Rare enough that most players could play for 6 months and never see one unless they knew exactly where to look (the middle of the woods). And I think it's safe to say that given the choice between no car and having a car almost everyone would pick the car. Now, let's say you're a guy who already has a car. Having a car gives you a pretty big advantage in finding more cars (just like having a gun makes it safer to look airfields to get more guns). The natural course of action is to take your advantage and abuse it to keep as many of the scarce resources for yourself as possible. At one point on a private hive me and my friends frequented we had 4 helicopters, one DShKM, one PKM technical, 3 Urals, 6 hummers, 4 pedal bikes, 6 motor bikes, you get the idea. We kept hoarding until someone made a post on the server admin's forums complaining that US 6 didn't have a single vehicle on it. And then we hoarded some more. We didn't do it just to be mean, we did it to be practical. If you have a helicopter you can find every single wilderness camp within an hour. The fewer vehicles other people have A) the less likely they are to find our super camp because no one wants to search the wilderness on foot and B) the less likely they are to find new vehicles at spawns. So instead of searching for weeks again after losing one car, we just took the 15 minutes to find and steal one at a time so when we died we just ran back to camp. The point is: People kill new spawns because even though they aren't an immediate threat, they are a definite competition for resources and may one day BECOME a major threat if you let them have said resources. It's simply logical to abuse your advantage to put others at a disadvantage as it can only further your interests. Making a comparison to spousal abuse makes you sound like a whiny bitch. Not to mention we all know at one point you've killed a bambi. Everyone has. And you probably didn't think twice about it.
Killed by a Bug, No more playing for me.
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to Darkshader's topic in General Discussion
10/10 I got trolled. He got trolled. Everyone got trolled. Really though, it sounds like dying to a ladder was the least of your worries. You wanted to climb a thing to scout hostiles? Have fun having zero cover and only a very slow and predictable way to escape. If anyone had walked by, you were dead. And even if they didn't this time, clearly you're new here and you would have gotten shot in a hilariously inept way. -
The problem isn't with the player base, or the fact that suicide spots exist. It's with loot distribution. There's no point in spawning at Kamenka, unless you REALLY enjoy playing a walking simulator. If the loot was better distributed then people wouldn't constantly murder themselves to avoid the long run back to town. Really there shouldn't be any major cities on the coast. Starting from the coast and going northwest loot should go from small residential to military, which major cities being further inland and equidistant from all the spawns on the shore. Otherwise, spawn suicide will always be a thing.
Realistic version of a Radar.
DEOVONTAY MCSLANGA replied to Chronos Blackburn's topic in General Discussion
I think you're all missing the point. This would be retarded because: 1. Radios are pretty rare. 2. They don't even do anything. 3. So no one uses them. Even if radios had some purpose (which I cannot fathom being relevant with skype, teamspeak, vent, etc), how many people would bother? You're suggesting a complicated piece of equipment that could theoretically take days of gameplay to cobble together, only to track the whole 0 people using radio transmissions. Now let's say that radios were super common. Like everyone used them because every character spawns with a radio implanted in their skull. Because that's what it would take for people to actually use the things. Even then, what is the practical range on this thing? Say a guy is 200 meters away. What the hell is the point? Just look around for him bro. Now let's say the range is unlimited. So you zero in on a guy 2 kilometers west. At 15 minutes per km running speed, half an hour later you get there and he's gone. And let's not forget this is assuming you know his frequency, which should this mechanic be introduced everyone would know full well to just switch frequencies every 30 minutes or so. And how many frequencies are there? If it's realistic, you would have way too many to ever find their frequency without tapping their skype call which would kind of defeat the purpose yeah? tl;dr Your idea doesn't really add anything to the game, it just creates a miserably complex system with no clear point. Your idea is the DMV, except without the part where they give you plates and a license. Your idea is stupid.